Dominic, the show-off of the group, picked up one measly pear, put it on top of his snout, and performed a balancing act as we made our way back to the cave.
China's New Food Act provides for a food recall system where producers have to stop production if their food isn't up to standards.
Last week, I started to act like Benny and say "Good morning!" to everyone and the whole bus cheered up again.
This act, passed in 1977 and beefed up in 1995, requires Banks to lend in high-risk areas they would otherwise avoid.
They water shoots up and can act as a drinking fountain, while making it easy to wash one's hair.
For very young children explore creativity by asking them to help create a story or change the words to make it about your family. Make up some actions to a song and act them out.
However, even noncancelable tasks should attempt to preserve the interrupted status in case code higher up on the call stack wants to act on the interruption after the noncancelable task completes.
The key to moving up this value chain is to establish a pattern, and then to act on the antipattern as broadly as possible.
These proteins act like trucks, picking up the cholesterol and transporting it to different parts of the body.
Electrodes attached to nine different muscles in the thigh act as antennas, picking up electrical signals sent from the nerves to the muscles.
These more upbeat indicators will probably harden the ECB's view that it does not need to act soon to prop up the economy and is right to be vigilant on inflation.
Her next work called "Raising Baby x" will attempt to turn the act of bringing up a child into art.
But these alternatives may encourage them to sharpen up their act.
Shell has emerged as one of the top offenders despite promising to clean up its act five years ago after a large accident in which two oil workers died.
What's certain is that if we don't act, the e-waste will continue to pile up, as we buy more electronic devices and the lifespan of those products grows shorter.
Watch Ricky. He sometimes likes to act up in class.
For the sake of the whole planet, the space industry needs to clean up its act.
If it's not up to snuff, act quickly to counsel them and work out a plan for bringing performance up to acceptable levels.
So I'm probably going to act like a parent until you're grown up. We might as well find ways to get along.
At 21 he decides to clean up his act. He goes back to school, where a creative-writing professor at a community college (white, kindly, ponytailed) ultimately changes his life.
Yet many Indonesians are now saying that if their country is to be taken seriously abroad, it will have to clean up its act at home.
And young men who refuse to grow up need peers and mentors who will exhort them to act like men.
Having one application in the cluster act as the OP would enable you to set up single sign-on authentication for all of the applications.
At the time Apple claimed that Foxconn had cleaned up its act and it would continue to use the subcontractor.
At the time Apple claimed that Foxconn had cleaned up its act and it would continue to use the subcontractor.