Must have organizational skills, be a self starter, team player and an active listener;
Your task is to be an active listener, and apply the three active listening techniques above.
Being an active listener involves trying your best to understand the point of view of the other person.
After you've practiced the exercise on and linked to this page, you need to continue practice being an active listener.
Being an active listener, or one who contributes to the conversation while listening to another person's story or speech, is important.
Your task is to be an active listener, and apply the three active listening techniques above. Don't forget to set the stage properly!
You can set the initial status of the listener ports to be active or inactive when the application starts up.
Now that the queue manager has been started, you can create and start the queue manager listener for applications to connect the active queue manager IBMESBQM, as shown in Listing 13.
Many presentations or lectures fail because they simply attempt to transfer information from speaker to listener as if the listeners were not active participants.
The bootstrap port is always an active, well-advertised port, and always returns an indirect IOR containing the secured and unsecured listener ports.
The bootstrap port is always an active, well-advertised port, and always returns an indirect IOR containing the secured and unsecured listener ports.