Pathfinder also carried out AD hoc group activities, such as tour hotel and corporate's folk culture and so on.
The source revealed that the AD hoc group will examine the existing laws on sedition, and to explore how to extend to the Internet.
Some people call these travels "fate trips" in which two people are brought together in a rather randomly selected, ad hoc group and then happen to "click".
The ad hoc group ' s work, including identification of anonymous tribal customers, servers overseas website, and how will sedition act applications on the internet.
A while ago an AD hoc group of computer scientists and cryptographers contributed to a paper that recommended a key of at least90bits for symmetric algorithms used in commercial security.
A while ago, an AD hoc group of computer scientists and cryptographers contributed to a paper that recommended a key of at least 90 bits for symmetric algorithms used in commercial security.
Before the primaries were over, an AD hoc veterans group supporting Bush accused McCain of betraying his country in the five and a half years he was a POW in North Vietnam.
For ad hoc one-liners in scripts, use ed noninteractively by piping a group of commands and text to it with echo
对于脚本中的特别单命令行程序,可以使用echo 将一组命令和文本管道传输给ed,从而以非交互式的方式使用它。
The Street Librarians were inspired by Radical Reference, a national group serving AD hoc populations in cities including New York, Los Angeles, and Boston.
Ad Hoc Productions is Emory's sole theater group dedicated exclusively to the production of musicals.
Simulation results demonstrate that the scheme improves the efficiency and performance of the organization of heterogeneous Ad hoc networks and supports nodes' group mobility well.
The group could forswear AD hoc, opaque decrees applied retroactively.
In this thesis, a study of characteristics of Ad hoc routing protocol in group mobile environment is been done.
The first session of the AD Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) had only to open on Tuesday evening for parties to divide sharply into two camps.
We wanted to check this in case being in a guild did not in fact provide a grouping advantage given the ease of finding an ad-hoc group.
He was member of the AD hoc High Level Expert Group of the European Commission on the Prioritisation Procedure for New Research Infrastructure in the 7th framework program.
He was member of the AD hoc High Level Expert Group of the European Commission on the Prioritisation Procedure for New Research Infrastructure in the 7th framework program.