She smokes, drinks coffee and Red Bull, has diet pills in her bag and takes Adderall.
While Clenbuterol and Adderall create a slimming effect in the short-term, after a while, users report a sudden and uncontrollable weight gain.
Just about every female celebrity arrested - from Paris to Nicole, from Lindsay to Britney Spears - has had prescription Adderall in her handbag.
About 9% said they had illegally used prescription drugs like Adderall or Ritalin to stay up and study; 25% said they used stimulants like Red Bull or No-Doz.
约有9%的人表示,为了熬夜学习曾非法使用过类似Adderall或Ritalin等处方药,25%的人表示曾使用过红牛或No - Doz等提神饮料。
About 9% said they had illegally used prescription drugs like Adderall or Ritalin to stay up and study; 25% said they used stimulants like Red Bull or No-Doz.
约有9%的人表示,为了熬夜学习曾非法使用过类似Adderall或Ritalin等处方药,25%的人表示曾使用过红牛或No - Doz等提神饮料。