It's like adding insult to injury that "I'm powerless in the face of death."
Expecting him to pay for the damage which they had caused was simply adding insult to injury.
If you knock a man down with your car, and then call him a fool, you're adding insult to injury.
What we are doing is not adding insult to injury by putting more empty homes on the market," she said.
What we are doing is not adding insult to injury by putting more empty homes on the market, " she said.
When she seemed to imply that there was an emotional trigger for my pain, it felt like she was literally adding insult to injury.
First tof all, Jake was one hour late for dinner, then adding insult to injury, he started to complain about my choice of restaurant.
For Windows XP users who avoided Vista because of its many problems, that upgrade work may seem as adding insult to injury, making it harder for them to finally adopt a new version of Windows.
It was almost adding injury to the insult when he scanned the room and added, "if the ladies will pardon the expression".
It was almost adding injury to the insult when he scanned the room and added, "if the ladies will pardon the expression".