The dealer can also tell you to make additional payment in order for you to secure a COE.
You'll soon have 20 new ways to buy your Facebook Credits today, as Facebook has selected PlaySpan's Ultimate Pay as an additional payment provider.
He does not however, recommend making the journey to the Peak Tower rooftop sky terrace, seen in this photo. It requires a wait in line and an additional payment.
Upon written request of the Bidder, the Bidding Documents can also be delivered by a special courier at an additional payment of US$ 70 (destination abroad) or RMB 250 (destination within PR China).
They have the means to do it, to make it a standard, and they could reap massive amounts of payment processing revenue and additional advertising as a result.
The remainder of this article will demonstrate the activities that two business analyst would perform to add an additional type of payment to this process.
At the end of the loan upon your payment of the principal and of sufficient additional interest, John Milton, Sr., the goldsmith, would return to you the gold that you had entrusted to him.
Gaines orders Mandy to handle Bridgit's request for an additional million dollars as payment for the delivery of Martin Belkin's I.D. card.
Many fares are valid only for the flights on the dates shown on the ticket and may not be changed at all, or only upon payment of an additional fee.
For additional information on tuition fee payment procedures, please contact the Accounting Manager, Accounting Division, Department of Finance, Administration Bureau.
The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely beyond the time limit on payment of additional fees.
Barclay Card is authorised to accept claim, request additional claim information, make decision on claim payment or repudiation.
Please note: You will be responsible for any additional charges and payment must be made directly to the hotel.
Only when additional guests are selected do I want the Payment Options to appear and be processed.
A provision that allows a lender to demand payment of the total outstanding balance or demand additional collateral under certain circumstances.
Additional agreement for any other service, which Employer entrusts Designer to provide, however, out of the scope of the Contract, shall be signed and the payment shall be paid correspondingly.
When paying for additional company representatives, be sure to include a completed registration form along with this payment.
Payment for additional entries can be made through the website from your submission account.
The Additional Earnout Payment will be paid to the Stockholders in such amounts as are set forth opposite each Stockholder's name on Schedule I.
RCF accepts credit card payment without additional service charge!
The additional cost is calculated using marginal cost method, in which the user's payment depends on whether the marginal change exceeds the maximum capacity.
The Company may at its discretion request the payment of a deposit or an additional deposit before providing the Service or during the Service.
Knowledge-relating wage refers to the payment granted by corporations for the additional work performance brought from employee's new work-relating knowledge and skills.
Knowledge-relating wage refers to the payment granted by corporations for the additional work performance brought from employee's new work-relating knowledge and skills.