Mud surrounds several of the buildings near the river's edge and branches into adjacent streets.
Remnants of the first layer of fusion bonded epoxy, or liquid epoxy may remain adjacent to the edge of the polyethylene.
Two vertices are said to be adjacent to one another if they are connected by a single edge.
If the plating runouts are blended or machined to remove the abrupt plating edge, the techniques must be well controlled to avoid damaging the adjacent base metal.
The palaeoclimate with self characteristics in this area is the same as that in the adjacent areas, which belong to the northwestern edge of eastern monsoon.
Aiming at the problem of large-scale microscopy images acquisition of two-layer object, an auto-focusing algorithm was proposed based on image edge and adjacent area forecasting.
The horizontal distance X between roadway and the edge of its upper pillar is an important parameter for roadway layout in floor strata and adjacent coal seams.
Situated on the edge of a small square, adjacent to one of the neighborhood's main thoroughfares, the building has been designed to establish a close relationship with its community.
The algorithm for the adjacent strong edge coloring of graphs is an NP-complete problem.
A proper edge coloring of a graph is called an adjacent strong edge coloring if no two of its adjacent vertices are incident with edges colored by the same set of colors.
In the solid modelling of boundary representation, if we store part adjacent entities for some entity, for example, a first edge for a face, topology structures from part relationships will result.
The zone immediately beneath the hydrocarbons is referred to as the bottom water, and the zone of the reservoir laterally adjacent to the trap as the edge zone.
Selected heading. A heading marker, located adjacent to and read against the outer edge of the azimuth dial, indicates the selected heading.
The anterior and posterior relative bulge of the disk that is adjacent to inferior edge of the olisthy vertebra are considered the main clue and basis of CT diagnosis of lumber spondylolisthesis.
The attribute adjacent graphics and the interrelated matrix for edge and face of variation feature were given. The organic relation between component faces of variation feature was expressed.
When segmenting a image using PCNN, the inner pixel and the pixel on edge in same area have different linking input due to amount of adjacent activating pixel, this causes improper segmentation.
And the bottom adjacent to the lower flow turning slow, centrifugal force is small, the gravity flow from the outer edge of the inner edge, resulting in secondary reflux.
Owing to the loss of their adjacent material constraint, the residual stress on the cutting edge of the small test block reduces, even changing from compressive stress to tensile stress.
The facade's motorized perforated metal shutters serve as light-modulating privacy screen at the outer edge of each residence's terrace adjacent to the double-height living rooms.
The facade's motorized perforated metal shutters serve as light-modulating privacy screen at the outer edge of each residence's terrace adjacent to the double-height living rooms.