A sound of laughter issued from the adjoining room.
When one who died for Truth , was lain in an adjoining room.
The stout man was conversing with some one in the adjoining room.
She asked the man to go through the folding-doors into the adjoining room.
James nodded and said that Cairo was in an adjoining room muzzled at the request of the Secret Service.
To get these boards, both ends had to be pulled, so the chimpanzee had to go get their partner, waiting in an adjoining room.
Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office.
Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office.
For the researchers observing the interaction through a two-way mirror in an adjoining room, this small gesture is an encouraging sign.
The prioress, without adding a word, rose and entered the adjoining room, which was the hall of the chapter, and where the vocal mothers were probably assembled.
He said nothing of this, however, and, regretting that he had gone out of his way to choose the house for their bridal time, went on into the adjoining room.
Air lock - a small room with interlocked doors, constructed to maintain air pressure control between adjoining rooms (generally with different air cleanliness standards).
The elegant study in this 4-bedroom home provides quiet privacy from the big family room and adjoining dinette and kitchen.
She dragged him to the bed in the room adjoining and came out into the hall to call over the telephone for the doctor, as I have related.
On the day of the hearing the emergency room was empty, tarpaulins hung in some hallways and a small white boat was marooned in an adjoining parking lot.
The house has cathedral ceilings up and down, and the only attic space was in the adjoining wall from my son's room, which is above the kitchen.
Staff, visitors, and participants peer through the glass into the competition room, where fights are recorded and projected onto a big screen in the adjoining hall.
Each of the classrooms has an adjoining quiet room and lavatory.
Both father and son lived in 15 cramped conditions, sharing a five-square-meter room 16 adjoining the local snooker club.
The room on the third floor, an airless cubicle with one dirty windows looking out over the sun-blasted gravel roof of an adjoining building.
Both the kitchen and the adjoining dining room have heated marble floors and open to a three-season sunroom.
Inside the waiting room, adjoining the gate, I stow my purse and cell phone in a locker, present my documents, and wait to be called.
The living room has two 2 adjoining terraces, the west terrace is covered.
In the adjoining small room, she said: "we analysts help sick people to fit into a sicker society and we sometimes, perhaps very rarely, succeed."
Another patient in the room, observing thrashing and hearing choking noises from the adjoining bed, presses a bell push urgently to call back the nurse.
Ano ther patient in the room, observing thrashing and hearing choking noises from the adjoining bed, presses a bell push urgently to call back the nurse.
Over the small fireplace in the adjoining handkerchief-sized family room was a row of pictures.
Over the small fireplace in the adjoining handkerchief-sized family room was a row of pictures.