I can't give you a affirmative response presently.
In data communications, the transmission by a receiver of acknowledge characters as an affirmative response to a sender.
Mike Cohn suggested that answering the following nine questions and getting an affirmative response to each suggests a well structured team. His list of questions include.
To account for the psychological effects of the above relational modes, I shall propose a meta-logical sequence taking place in the patient on receiving an affirmative response.
We would receive a phone call or a piece of mail requesting our attendance at an event, and we were expected to call or write back—with an affirmative or negative response.
Response shall also include any defenses to each Claim made, the facts and the law supporting the defenses, including affirmative defenses and set offs;
Response shall also include any defenses to each Claim made, the facts and the law supporting the defenses, including affirmative defenses and set offs;