I thought that maybe it would stop. But look at how it is exploding all around the United States. Even Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans join them.
During 2010, though it has received little credit for the effort, the Obama administration gradually clarified and firmed up its strategy in the Afghanistan war.
Afghanistan was a founding member of the confederation in the 1950s before entering long periods of war and factional fighting.
Afghanistan will play soccer at the Asian Games. Mongolia's withdrawal has given the war-torn nation a confidence boost.
And that means that reluctant europeans-germans in particular-will have to contribute more than they have done to such ventures as the war in Afghanistan.
We hope its release will lead to a comprehensive understanding of the war in Afghanistan and provide the raw ingredients necessary to change its course.
Medal of Honor does not aspire to capture the war in Afghanistan in a documentary sense, but like other shooters, it creates a visceral sensation of combat.
Withdrawing from Iraq will be harder than Mr Obama's supporters hope; the war in Afghanistan will demand more sacrifices from Americans and Europeans than he has yet prepared them for.
Obama is scheduled to meet senior military commanders at the White House on Wednesday to discuss how to fulfil his election promises to withdraw US troops from Iraq and win the war in Afghanistan.
A Gallup poll showed that American support for the war in Afghanistan has hit a new low, with 42% of respondents saying that sending American troops to the country had been a mistake.
After consultations with our Allies, I then announced a strategy recognizing the fundamental connection between our war effort in Afghanistan, and the extremist safe-havens in Pakistan.
Today, on the other hand, in the U.S. and Britain public opinion and the electoral cycle exercise an overwhelming influence over the conduct of the war in Afghanistan.
The Afghanistan operation was quite the opposite — highly sophisticated and devastating, with vast implications for both the war in Afghanistan and future clandestine CIA operations.
America's top military officer says he is "appalled" at the release of thousands of secret documents covering the last six years of the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan.
What really irks Americans who criticize Europe's alleged pacifism has been opposition to the Iraq war or refusal to make greater commitments for the war in Afghanistan.
Nick Colgin, 26, an Army veteran with a brain injury from the war in Afghanistan, who was not involved in the study, said he would like very much to have one of the sensitive M.
I honestly don't like that Medal of Honor depicts the war in Afghanistan right now, because - even as fiction - it equates the war with the leisure of games.
Nick Colgin, 26, an Army veteran with a brain injury from the war in Afghanistan, who was not involved in the study, said he would like very much to have one of the sensitive M.R.I.
Afghanistan is now the longest war in U.S. history.That metric alone seems to validate the notion that the United States had no real strategy or sense of what it was getting into.
With its picnic tables, mountain views and community-outreach programmes, this site provides a tranquil vantage-point for the war in Afghanistan, just 90 minutes' flight away.
The notion of protecting the main cities and roads is not new.The Russians fell back on such a strategy in their ill-fated war in Afghanistan of 1979-89.
In answer to the question "do you favor or oppose the US war in Afghanistan?" 54 percent of respondents said they oppose the war - the highest level of opposition since 2006.
I have never bought the argument that Iraq was the bad war, Afghanistan the good war and Pakistan the necessary war.
Advocates for the refugees argue that the surge seen over the past year only reflects the fact that greater Numbers of people are fleeing Iraq, Afghanistan and a few other war-torn countries.
Invoking collective defence, NATO joined the war in Afghanistan.
A Western withdrawal would leave Afghanistan vulnerable to a civil war that might suck in the local powers, including Iran, Pakistan, India and Russia.
There are sound military reasons for this internal cost-cutting, especially the need to redirect money to the war in Afghanistan.
There are sound military reasons for this internal cost-cutting, especially the need to redirect money to the war in Afghanistan.