After a little while, the moon lifted itself above the eastern hills.
After a little, he went on, "And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows!"
After a little bit of careful thinking, parents will realize that watching TV after school is a good way for students to relax.
After a little exploration through the thick growth of kelp and seagrass, he picks up a promising-looking rock.
Hundreds of occupational surnames are at once familiar to us, or at least recognizable after a little thought: Archer, Carter, Fisher, Mason, Thatcher, Taylor, to name but a few.
After a little persuasion, he accepted.
After a little while she joined the dancing.
We write many words about plots of foolish authors after a little delay.
After a little playing around, I established several details about how to use Psyco.
Listing 4 shows the program's output (after a little massaging to make it more readable).
After a little more thinking, the mother decides to try it on her husband when he gets home.
What may seem an obvious problem, or an obvious solution often seems less so after a little research.
After a little bit of training, it will be easy to keep your front entrance organized and clutter free!
They say - Mrs d'Urberville says - that she wants you to look after a little fowl-farm which is her hobby.
After a little tiff with her husband, a friend wrote recently about her dismay at seeing her seven-month-old baby's reaction.
Fortunately, the mappings were simple enough that a team of junior programmers could take care of them after a little bit of XSLT training.
Meanwhile the teacher continued to meditate without fear. After a little while, the tiger gradually lowered its head and tail and went away.
If you lose it again, if the other person says something challenging, then after a little while you remember - and you go back into the inner body.
However, after a little while longer in the uncomfortably warm shop, I decide that I need an iced latte more than I need a new life as a cowboy.
Mostpeople panic after a little more than a minute without air, but freedivers—divers who don't use oxygen—can hold their breath for muchlonger.
After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.
However, he appeared very friendly, and after a little talk he held out his hand to her, and said, "Wilt thou go with me to my castle and be my dear wife?"
It's why most diets fail - anyone can stick with a diet for a couple of weeks, but if you feel that you are suffering by eating it, you'll fall off it after a little while.
This was soon effected by the friendly waiter; and after a little talk the old man invited them to visit his villa and garden which were just outside the walls of the town.
Seeing us puzzled, he gave a further explanation after a little while. He told us that he used to suffer from venous thrombosis and had been in hospital for about two months.
After a little bite of practice, Xtext gets out of your way and really allows you to specify the language as you understand architectural details and make architectural decisions.
Relations between the two countries thawed a little after the talks.
After the meal, they felt rusty, and stiff-jointed, and a little homesick once more.
After a mile or so, Pinocchio again heard the same faint voice whispering: "Remember, little simpleton!"
After a mile or so, Pinocchio again heard the same faint voice whispering: "Remember, little simpleton!"