After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shopping centre.
If not timely and effective treatment, after a little time, individual patients may have abnormal cell precancerous lesions or cancer.
After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant who wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.
She sang like a little lark about her work, and day after day said hopefully to herself, "I know I'll get my music some time if I'm good."
These little changes will really add up over time, and you’ll end up with major changes in your life after a year or two.
Bolden suffered a stroke in 2004, and her family said she spoke little after that and slept much of the time.
Fortunately, its mother died before the time arrived; some thirteen years after the decease of Catherine, when Linton was twelve, or a little more.
After wandering about for some time, they at last found a little deserted hut, and the sister was overjoyed, for she thought it would form a nice shelter for them both.
'it was only my whim,' he said; and, after a moment's hesitation: 'it was on account of a discovery I made some little time ago, whilst I was hunting up pedigrees for the new county history.
After they opened a door by clicking on it, each subsequent click earned a little money, with the sum varying each time.
For a long time auto enterprises focus on the production and marketing and pay a little attention to the after-sale services even release this part to the market.
After my little stint, I realized that if I could live out of a suitcase for an extended period of time, I sure as hell didn't need a lot of the stuff I had in my old apartment!
This time he explained that after he got his bachelor's degree, he decided to go a little further.
It was a little after two, a slow time for the business, and the manager was dozing off in the warm sunshine.
Playing these games, I would read a lot of English sentences, and after some time I gained a little " grammar intuition."
It takes a little time to get used to the controls and features; but that's ok - it's a computer, after all.
"They can continue watching until the eclipse becomes total at 7.40am, and hopefully for a little while after this time, if they have an unobstructed western horizon."
Top Hua San Raining This is a picture at this time, because it makes a little heart has raised the sun, re-kindled the hope that the buds after the rain, full of vitality.
My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay.
It's the first day back at work after a weekend of relaxation or fun, time to oneself, maybe a little extra sleep.
And during our time in the White House, we've had the joy of watching them grow from bubbly little girls into poised young women, a journey that started soon after we arrived in Washington.
After a long time, the rain abated a little. The Beetle took shelter on wet a linen wrinkled from the heavy rain.
After a time, Dora and I were married, and settled down in our own little house.
If possible, encourage your child to find a part-time after the age of sixteen, let them enjoy life a little earlier Subway, things hard to understand a little earlier.
"After he got sick things changed a little bit, " says the 96-time Norway international.
On the evening after the Bumbles' little business meeting, Mr Bill Sikes, waking from a sleep, called out to ask the time.
After that was finished I held another basketball camp for kids in Polk County before spending a little time with some of my favorite campers up at camp Chenawanda.
After that was finished I held another basketball camp for kids in Polk County before spending a little time with some of my favorite campers up at camp Chenawanda.