And finally, after nearly a year, her daughter was restored to a healthy and normal weight.
The deal replaces the expired 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and comes after nearly a year of talks between U.
The programme has been formally adopted by enterprises, after nearly a year of operation, the business performance has been remarkably improved.
The deal replaces the expired 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and comes after nearly a year of talks between U.S. and Russian negotiators.
新条约取代了已过期的1991年签署的《战略武器削减 条约》。 新的协议是美俄两国谈判代表进行了将近一年的会谈之后达成的。
After nearly a year of emotional argument in Congress but no new federal laws, the national debate over the future of human cloning has shifted to the states.
After nearly a year of emotional arguments in Congress but no new federal laws, the national debate over the future of human cloning has shifted to the states.
Yet after nearly a year and a half, advanced smart phones are still in the “early adopter” phase in China, with some 93% of current subscribers still uncommitted to an operating system.
Yet after nearly a year and a half, advanced smart phones are still in the "early adopter" phase in China, with some 93% of current subscribers still uncommitted to an operating system.
In fact, after nearly a year's time, HTC continues to lead the entire Android high-end market, and even the same year in April was born in the GalaxyS did not set off too much wind in front of Desire.
We did not speak by phone or meet one another face to face until nearly a year after we began working together.
After nearly nine months of volatility, and a deciduous forest's worth of reports by stockbrokers on the outlook for markets, global share prices are back where they were at the start of the year.
"Once the Games leave town, there often isn't much to celebrate," says Humphreys, noting that host countries nearly always experience a drop in GDP growth in the year after the Games.
That group includes IBM chief Sam Palmisano who's stepping down at year-end after nearly a decade as CEO, looking like a business Mickey Mantle.
Japanese fans snapped up the third volume of acclaimed author Haruki Murakami's novel "1q84" on Friday after waiting nearly a year.
Despite these steps prices in the island nation rose by nearly 40% in the year to the end of the second quarter, after a rise of just over 25% in the year to the end of the first quarter.
Their commingling came back to haunt them a year later after computer hackers transferred nearly $27, 000 to unknown points beyond the reach of the law.
If the Senate doesn't act this year - after six months, 18 hearings, and nearly a thousand questions answered - it would have to start over from scratch in January.
India launched a satellite into moon orbit in 2008, but had to abandon it nearly a year later after communication links snapped and scientists lost control of it.
Speaking in an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Ballmer set the stage for a new showdown nearly a year after Microsoft's first aborted attempt at a full takeover.
Nearly 15% did after a year, compared with 5% of those who didn't get incentives.
After nearly giving up on finding an arrangement, Suzanne recently met a 39-year-old college professor from Dover, n.j..
Nearly half a century after he released his first album Bob Dylan continues to release new albums (including last year a compilation of Christmas songs) and tour the country playing concerts.
Nearly half a century after he released his first album, Bob Dylan continues to release new albums (including, last year, a compilation of Christmas songs) and tour the country playing concerts.
Nearly a year after the opening of the orphanage, the Americans returned for a visit.
But nearly 12, 000 people die in the U.S. every year after falling down a staircase.
After drought in 2009, Mexico produced a record maize crop of nearly 25m tonnes last year.
After growing by nearly 5% a year from 2005 to 2008, the economy shrank by 1.8% last year, shedding nearly 900,000 jobs.
After growing by nearly 5% a year from 2005 to 2008, the economy shrank by 1.8% last year, shedding nearly 900, 000 jobs.
After growing by nearly 5% a year from 2005 to 2008, the economy shrank by 1.8% last year, shedding nearly 900, 000 jobs.