After the College Entrance Examination, we will bid farewell to each other and set sail for an unknown future.
After ending the campaign of college Entrance Examination, I fulfilled my dream successfully and became a new host of the college — Lanzhou Medical college.
The school ethos of civilization, social reputation is good, college entrance examination results year after year jump in the past few years ranking the forefront of Foshan City.
Finally, in response to the shortage of the college entrance examination, this paper plans a remedying strategy, that is, the undergraduates are permitted to change the major after the enrollment.
However, after elective subjects appearing in college entrance examination, a new kind of unfairness occurs when applying the standardized score to calculate total scores.
White (a pseudonym) has thousands of students the same confusion, the college entrance examination 10 years ago, the goal of her life after graduating from college graduate is her new target.
So, most of the time I have to spend on the study, after all the college entrance examination is very important for almost all of us.
So, most of the time I have to spend on the study, after all the college entrance examination is very important for almost all of us.