Companies' hopes that promotions might have a positive aftereffect have not been borne out for reasons that researchers have been able to identify.
Finally, it discusses the remaining existing problems and their aftereffect of our policy.
At last, proposes on Beijing how to deal with the "Aftereffect of Olympic game" are put forward.
Visual aftereffect is the perceptual distortion after the visual system adapted to a visual stimulus for a while.
I'm animated we have acclimatized the agreement of payment. Is it feasible to aftereffect shipment during September?
Stroke is a kind of clinical common disease. And its onset often leaves behind much aftereffect in different degree.
The aftereffect of fertilization on the yield: N fertilizer had little effect on yield of alfalfa in the second year.
And if the operating reserve market pricing can make changes in the energy market clearing price, it will lead to critical aftereffect.
The warning message should indicate the type aftereffect prevention and contingency measures of the occupational-disease-inductive factors.
The most likely aftereffect, 1 will be a attenuated, 1 immune arrangement, 1, and a more vulnerable fish you will have come bounce, 1 time.
The warning message should indicate the type, aftereffect, prevention and contingency measures of the occupational-disease-inductive factors.
Ye qingchao you lianyuan xu tongxin et al. development tendency and environmental aftereffect. Zhengzhou: yellow river conservancy press 1997.
Conclusion Cotton cellulose has radiation aftereffect, and there is a linear relationship between the logarithm of absorption doses and the total effect.
The existing questions of mould wear and the protruding head of spur gear during the warm extrusion are discussed and the reason and aftereffect are analyzed.
Researches on Administrative Monopoly in domestic theoretical field are mainly related to form, cause, aftereffect of the administrative monopoly and anti-administrative monopoly measures.
In addition, the aftereffect characteristics of each fault is predicted, and compared with the observed characteristics to correct the hypothetical fault tree for locating the fault source.
The general limitation period is three years alpha on the day after the day the obligee knows or ought to apperceive the facts as a aftereffect of which the obligee's right can be exercised.
The general limitation period is three years alpha on the day after the day the obligee knows or ought to apperceive the facts as a aftereffect of which the obligee's right can be exercised.