Teaching in each age bracket is done by a group of teachers that have a scheduled rotation.
Every age bracket of sports teacher is distributed unbalancedly, the whole structure is younger.
It's conceivable that people in my age bracket, their 40s, are young enough to benefit from these therapies.
While in the 45 - to 54-year old age bracket, the gap narrowed by 0.3 percentage point during the same period, to 73.5%.
The deepest attachment to cell phones was found among the 18-34 age bracket and men are more attached to phones than women.
调查还发现,对手机依赖最强的是18 -34岁的人,而且男性对手机的依赖强于女性。
If experience of science centres elsewhere is anything to go by, attention in this age bracket is notoriously tricky to attract and retain.
But age indicates some differences: Nearly half (46%) of tablet users are age 30 ~ 49, while just 35% of Americans are in that age bracket.
但是年龄也显示出一些不同:几乎一半(46%)的平板电脑用户年龄在30 ~49岁,然而只有35%的美国人处在这个年龄阶段。
Consider, too, that 62 percent of the population in Finland use a mobile and that in the 15-25 age bracket the number is nudging 90 percent.
还有一个值得考虑的因素是,芬兰有62%的人使用手机,在15 -25岁年龄段中,这一比例接近90%。
Among Chinese in the 22 to 49 age bracket, males outnumber females by 16.97 million, which means tens of millions of single Chinese in this age group.
Better yet, nearly 37% of users were in the coveted 25 to 34 age bracket and more than one in every three of them had a household income of at least $100, 000.
The most romantic age bracket: 18- to 24-year-olds, 74% of whom will spend some of their shrinking discretionary income on items like flowers, jewelry and candy.
In the end, I want to reiterate my position that love can exist in any age bracket, and the education for physical hygiene should be established as early as possible.
Over half of new HIV infections worldwide are occurring among young people between the ages of 15 and 24, and more than 60 per cent of HIV-positive youth in this age bracket are female.
全世界HIV的新增感染者中有一半是15 -24岁的年轻人,该年龄段HIV检测阳性的年轻人中有60%是女性。
More long-term marriages are ending, too — divorce initiated by women in the age 45-plus bracket rose by an astonishing 30 percent in the ten years between 1997 and 2007.
Almost 40pc of its population is under the age of 14, with just 2.5pc being in the over 65 bracket.
As someone who just spent three years teaching adolescents year-round, I know firsthand that the differences between each age in the 9-14 bracket is PHENOMENAL.
The rich history and cultural heritage as well as diversity and sheer size give plenty of choice, whatever the age and income bracket.
The rich history and cultural heritage as well as diversity and sheer size give plenty of choice, whatever the age and income bracket.