There is no age limit at which you can open a bank account, but a bank manager can decide whether to open an account for a child or a young person.
Today, there is a serious question about this issue: Should there be a minimum age limit for executing criminals?
Is there age limit for competing at the Olympic Games?
This good man was 60 years old – 18 years above the age limit .
There is usually an age limit for such a right, which is 18 years in the UK.
She lied to me. She faked documents, knowing that my age limit for single women is 55.
Miguel spent about 4 years fighting in Mexico to escape the strict age limit of 16 in Spain.
An upper age limit of 70-80 years is common as there is no doctor on board and plenty of stairs.
She was only one day over the age limit so the organizers bent the rules and accepted her entry.
She was only one day over the age limit so the organize rs bent the rules and accepted her entry.
Yet France may raise the age limit for beer and wine sales to eighteen, the same as for hard liquor there.
Yet France may raise the age limit for beer and wine sales to eighteen, the same as for hard liquor there.
Check with local universities; many rent their dorm rooms to travelers during the summer, no age limit involved.
Although there's no specific age limit for gastric bypass surgery, the risks increase if you're older than age 65.
The age limit for the cadets to be enrolled need not be subject to that for the active servicemen to be enlisted.
There is no upper age limit for acquiring a new language and then continuing one's life with two or more languages.
There is an age limit for officers, because older officers would have difficulty climbing mountains while in action.
What's more, is that there is no age limit in the golfers opting to get a golf coach to help them with their physicals.
Think you're beyond the age limit to make a million? Think again. Experience and maturity come with their own benefits.
For one thing, many companies here set an upper age limit for fresh graduate hires; at 26, many consider him too old to apply.
Along the way to many surprising provoke li eyes, because it is one that seems, at his age limit movement is doing infants.
However, the new rule does not cover people wishing to donate for the first time - the age limit for new donors will remain at 65.
The age limit is 18 to 60 and anyone more than 33lbs over the average weight for their height will be asked not to make a reservation.
The age limit is 18 to 60 and anyone more than 33lbs over the average weight for their height will be asked not to make a reservation.