Specializing in international shipping agency business, Zhanjiang port agents, freight forwarding business.
The company mainly engaged in shipping, import and export goods of international air transport agency business.
News agency business scope is: the news release, information service, network media, advertising agency and release.
How to design a set of software in the new period to effectively deal with the insurance agency business is a challenged task.
The other was The Flesh Peddlers, now out of print, about a guy in the talent-agency business who was living a glamorous life.
International transport agency business of export goods in whole container and assembled container from Shanghai port and Ningbo port.
The number of agency bookkeeping institutions is increasing, but the overall size is generally small, the agency business scope is not wide.
We think it is too early to discuss the agency business at this moment, it is better to discuss it later when we get full understanding of each other.
We is the foreign trade specialized company, the main engaging cargo import & export, the technical import and export & the import & export agency business.
In this paper, the bank insurance agency business is base on the analysis of the corresponding demands. The functional requirements are given detailed analysis.
Since the early nineties, clothing brands, such as lush sprung up, so the clothing brand agency business industry continues to shuffle through adjustments to grow up.
Only the air sector of online travel-agency business posted a decline from last year, of 15 percent, but the conversion of air travel-oriented visits to sales increased.
We sell the enterprise the product since 2007 as the agency business directly. Provides the highest quality service for ours customer is our entire teams highest objective.
As the number of domestic open-end funds growing, and the scale continues to expand, open-end fund sales agency business in the commercial importance of Banks has also been improved.
Yantai Blue Fox AD design: commitment to brand planning, corporate image planning, graphic design and printing and media agency business, including a comprehensive advertising agency.
A patent agency that opens agency business for electronic patent application shall sign the User Agreement with the State Intellectual Property Office in the name of the patent agency.
Without authorization of the MOFTEC, other units may not engage in the work of examination, approval or administration of the agency business for international transportation of goods.
There are still more questions than answers at this stage, and the latest move to combine the Thomas Cook offline retail agency business with another company raises more for its wider online strategy.
现阶段对于Thoma Cook的在线旅游策略,我们提出的疑问仍然多于得到的答案,而ThomasCook的线下旅游业务与另一家公司的合并又将引起更多的问题。
"They blame it on the manufacturing recession," says Birgit Klohs, chief executive of The Right Place, a business development agency for western Michigan.
Republicans also say Environmental Protection Agency regulations inhibit business activity and curtail the ability to create jobs.
He criticised the practice of "rating shopping" by companies that offer their business to the agency that provides the most favourable rating.
Investors have criticised the agencies' business model, in which a client pays the agency to rate them.
A traineeship may serve as an effective springboard for a career in the translation business, perhaps even within the same agency that offered the traineeship.
A traineeship may serve as an effective springboard for a career in the translation business, perhaps even within the same agency that offered the traineeship.