When I was hired twenty years ago, the job AD required a J.D., although for years now our library's ads for reference librarians have said only that a J.D. is preferred.
A decade ago, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine launched an AD campaign featuring a baby bottle inside an hourglass, and it sparked a firestorm of criticism.
Some years ago, Shell carried out a very successful AD campaign in Canada and the US.
Twenty years ago there were only a couple of car styles in China, and they were ugly and uncomfortable. But the SUV in the magazine AD looked just like the ones I see every day on Texas roads.
One company I know fired its chief executive two years ago, and has since been run by an AD hoc committee of senior staff.
Three years ago, So-Low launched a nationwide AD campaign, focusing heavily on sunny regions and distributing free sunglasses there.
3年前,So -Low开展了一次全国性的广告推广活动,主要集中于日照较多的地区,在那里散发免费的太阳镜。
"@" is more ancient than you might think--Some scholars think it was invented over 1,300 years ago, as way to reduce the Latin word "ad"--which means "at, "to," or "toward"--into a single penstroke.
一些学者认为,虽然 @ 如今仅仅活跃在互联网上,但这个符号的历史,比你想象的还要古老。 早在1300年前就在拉丁美洲地区出现,人们用它来表示at、to、toward 的意思。
214The following was published by a consumer protection agency. "Three years ago, So-Low launched a nationwide ad campaign, focusing heavily on sunny regions and distributing free sunglasses there.
Two years ago, she responded to a help-wanted ad on the Fengruan website, one of the top four subtitle groups in China.
For quite a while this was masked by the growth of the audience share, followed by an ever-growing ad-dollar share, until, about two years ago, things started to slow down.
S. pulled out of Vietnam three decades ago, would anyone have imagined a Morgan Stanley ad on page one of The Wall Street Journal lauding Vietnam as a promising market for luxury goods?
三十年前美国从越南撤军之时,哪会有人想到摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)有朝一日会在《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)头版上刊登广告,说越南是前景大好的奢侈品市场?
A while ago an AD hoc group of computer scientists and cryptographers contributed to a paper that recommended a key of at least90bits for symmetric algorithms used in commercial security.
Many years ago, the ad of the shampoo telling about a disabled girl who was bullied at school and she never gave up playing piano, at last, she succeed.
About a year ago, the financial services company bought 24 front-of-book AD pages in New York magazine-making it the magazine's largest single-issue advertiser ever.
As told in the official Coca-Cola's website AD. : the beverage giant has rolled out white cans a few weeks ago with artful polar bears.
A while ago, an AD hoc group of computer scientists and cryptographers contributed to a paper that recommended a key of at least 90 bits for symmetric algorithms used in commercial security.
A well-loved story tells how long ago during the Eastern han Dynasty (25-220 AD) a doctor named Zhang Zhongjing travelled back to his hometown in the county of Nanyang.
良好的爱的故事讲述不久前在东汉(公元25- 220年)命名的医生前往张仲景回到家乡在南阳县。
A well-loved story tells how long ago during the Eastern han Dynasty (25-220 AD) a doctor named Zhang Zhongjing travelled back to his hometown in the county of Nanyang.
良好的爱的故事讲述不久前在东汉(公元25- 220年)命名的医生前往张仲景回到家乡在南阳县。