Each Aid Station has water, Gatorade, toilets, medical facilities and access to runner drop-out vehicles.
Hoped that everybody can continue maintains an enthusiasm, after completing the first-aid station movement each work.
Dehydration is a major problem for many marathon runners so it is essential to take in two full cups of liquid at each aid station.
If you see a runner who is injured or needs help, please quickly dial emergency number 120, notify the medical aid station or the mobile ambulance.
The main thing for me was to get as much water in as I could at each aid station as it is hard to replace all the fluids you lose through sweating that much.
Refugees gather at an aid station set up outside a shelter in the earthquake- and tsunami-destroyed town of Minamisanriku, northeastern Japan. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)
By virtue of an aid station based on the abutment central pile, "comprehensive formulas for the layout of curves "is used to calculate the crossing angles of every pier or abutment.
This paper introduces the rapid& mobile first-aid unit from brigade or regiment medical aid station especially discusses its equipment performance personnel structure and working features.
Medical aid stations are set up at starting and finishing points, one medical station is set up every 5 KM, and one medical point is set up every 2.5 KM. There are ambulances along the track.
The station was not far away, and instinctively Jenny made for it, hoping to find someone to aid her.
Broadcasters said villagers on Alishan had crawled down the mountainside to an abandoned police station to request aid by radio.
The Legal Aid Volunteer Station of Yunnan University is establishing an HIV/AIDS legal aid center to provide legal services and information to people with HIV and other people at-risk of HIV.
A radar station was brought into operation at Mirs Bay in October to aid shipping traffic movement.
Meanwhile, the city focus on relief assistance station, take the initiative to aid young homeless people, street children return home to carry out special action pick.
A radio navigational aid for determining the distance from a selected DME ground station by measuring the time of transmission to and from it.
A radio navigational aid for determining the distance from a selected DME ground station by measuring the time of transmission to and from it.