Rated relieving capacity is the flow capacity of a relief device expressed in terms of air flow at standard conditions ( SCFH or Nm3/h).
Occupants can control air flow in the offices by adjusting the opening sizes.
In many kilns the air flow can be reversed in order to reduce these differences.
The parabola would control air flow in a way that would lessen the shockwave, NASA says.
The constant air flow through the filter means that the filter does not last as long.
They're looking at how they can control air flow just by changing the texture of a surface.
Even when no air flow is needed for temperature purposes it is kept moving to keep the air fresh.
One of the main differences among soccer balls is how much the air flow follows the ball's surface.
Dr Sobel and his team then developed a system for measuring changes in air flow caused by sniffing.
If there isn't enough air flow through the home by opening the Windows, try turning on ceiling fans.
Air flow Horizontal or vertical air flow, depending on the application and uniformity requirements.
As a soccer ball slows down after it's kicked in the air, the air flow around it changes from turbulent to smooth.
Air compressor noise is the main noise source. From the Angle of air flow noise, can be briefly analyzes the following.
The air flow on high notes is much stronger than that of low notes, or it would sound very low or nothing on high notes.
Once the cloth is saturated and completely covers the mouth and nose, air flow is slightly restricted for 20 to 40 seconds ...
Remove diseased, dying or dead wood, then any stems that cut across each other: this improves air flow and lessens disease.
Water-air separator or condensation filter design must satisfy the compressed air flow and pressure condition requirements.
Frozen type air drier shall conform to the special design of compressed air flow rate, pressure, temperature conditions needs.
Taking deep breaths will fix that by creating a steady volume of air flow over your vocal cords, and help calm your nerves too.
Some thermotechnical problems are revealed through systematic analysis of temperature, air flow as well as heat flux in cellar.
They looked at how chicken soup affected air flow and mucus in the noses of 15 volunteers who drank cold water, hot water or chicken soup.
This tunnel is, in substance, a simple air flow bench with necessary test devices offering various controlled streams for experiments.
To reduce emissions in existing combustors, fuel is premixed with a large amount of swirling air flow prior to injection into the combustor.
This method is based on the measurement of the rate of air flow through a given area of fabric by a given pressure difference across the fabric.
The folded solar eco-skin of the building serves two purposes - first, the envelopes provide natural air flow to the interior to minimize air conditioning.
Fin electric heating tube heater: large thermal inertia, stable heating power, not blocking the air flow channel, wide heating range, long service life.
The generous petal roof brings natural daylight deep into the open-air, multiple-plane retail arcade and induces air flow current for natural ventilation.
Therefore, double screw compressor and worm compressor compared, in the same speed of the units inside less number of exhaust air ripple, big air flow noise.
Therefore, double screw compressor and worm compressor compared, in the same speed of the units inside less number of exhaust air ripple, big air flow noise.