The ships required the protection of naval and air power.
A light carrier is viable because of a shift in the way air power is used.
The Zerg do not seem to have equal air power compared to the other two races.
Core drill machines can be powered by electric hydraulic or air power sources.
THE future of air power is likely to be unmanned. It may also be surprisingly small.
Air power is to be used only when there is no significant risk of civilian deaths.
To some critics, even 83 Type 022s are so much fodder for submarines and air power.
Due to the exposing nature of the terrain, air power is critical in controlling this major artery.
And in conflicts like that in Afghanistan, they are no longer the most widespread form of air power.
Aircraft carriers are good for deploying air power as long as the enemy does not have much air power.
China does not have the naval or air power to match the United States, which is in a class of its own.
This display of air power was, says Mr Van Hoof, an effective way to garner the respect of the local people.
The results show that spongy aluminium alloy has an advantage of muffling the noise caused by air power.
Engine noise is the major noise source of automobile; air power noise is one of composition parts of engine noise.
But according to a report published by Air Power Australia, the plane is easier to spot than originally advertised.
First my squadron was sent to Giebelstat, Germany to show the U.S. air power. Then (we) were sent to Japan for 30 days.
Germany in particular used her air power to commit such experimental horrors as the bombing of the defenseless little township of Guernica.
The critics accuse the prime minister, David Cameron, of having rushed into Libya in the naive belief that air power alone could remove Colonel Qaddafi.
The shortage of soldiers has hampered the generals' ability to hold territory and forced them to use air power to make up for the lack of numbers.
"The RAAF Super Hornet will bring a new generation of air power to Australia," said Group Capt. Steve Roberton, Head Air Combat Transition Office, RAAF.
RAAF空战办公室负责人Steve Roberton上校介绍说,RAAF的超级大黄蜂战斗机将带来新一代的空军力量,其先进的网络化武器系统将通过空对空频谱为澳大利亚增强至关重要的空军战斗、战略陆地和海洋攻击能力。
We forgot that air power alone is no substitute for local knowledge and boots on the ground, and that technological supremacy is no guarantee of victory.
It shows that a modest dose of air power can save lives; but also that the rhetoric of civilian protection can be stretched to justify a creeping mission.
For each example of a conflict apparently made easier by air power, there is a counter-example of a war which air power has only served to complicate and intensify.
But now China has military ambitions in the South China Sea and beyond, and wants the ability to challenge American naval and air power in the western Pacific.
But they still can not provide all their own logistics support, and they lack air power, the ability to do medical evacuations and other important capabilities.
But they still can not provide all their own logistics support, and they lack air power, the ability to do medical evacuations and other important capabilities.