The howler monkeys sounded an alarm call just after the earthquake.
"When a prey species makes an alarm call of any kind, the game is up," Sagarin said.
Telecare systems require someone at the end of a phone line who can organise a response to an alarm call.
The functions of the police intelligence report circulating there, the owners set the alarm call cycle alarm.
The red ruffed lemurs sounded an alarm call about 15 minutes before the quake and then again just after it occurred.
Once received an alarm call, maintenance workers should arrive the spot in 30 minutes, or in 1 hour, when the spot is without the jurisdiction area.
The poll of 2, 000 radio listeners found tweeting, chirping and warbling was the post popular alarm call followed by church bells and balloon squeaks.
Many base units have an alarm button on the front to trigger the alarm (although you're more likely to use your personal alarm button) and a cancel button to cancel an accidental alarm call.
After a while, she began to set an alarm on her cell phone; when it rang she would apologize for having to take an important phone call and leave.
As the armed theft was occurring at the museum, police were responding to call regarding car fires away from the scene of the museum just as the alarm sounded off.
GSC will call for Emergency Response Team members through telephone or fire pager and give them the location or area of the alarm.
VHP DSC (very High Frequency Digital Selective Call), as a main means of alarm, is very important for the vessels to navigate safely.
Fire emergency: in case of a fire, please call the hotel operator, the emergency alarm system will give out audible warning. If you have hearing.
Fire happen, we must complete the following several aspects: first, to master fire common sense, is an emergency call common sense, in the event of fire alarm immediately;
Call alarm automatically gives a call to a number at specified time and it is bundled with some useful features like easy to use interface, multiple alarms and different calling strategies.
In newer elevators, there will be a "PHONE" or "HELP" button instead of an alarm button this will place a call to a party that is trained to take action (i. e. elevator company, alarm company, etc.).
Not long ago, my brother Leo, a farmer, got a call from a security firm that offered him a promotional burglar alarm at no charge.
When the user falls, the sensor can automatically make an alarm to call the family to come and rescue the user from the life danger.
Weiwei's friends immediately find the site staff for assistance, while the latter call the alarm phone and informed the parents.
Mary: So whenever there's an alarm, you have to call the security company, the number is on the emergency list next to the phone there.
Companion is similar to SafeTrek, an app that USES the pressure sensor of smartphone touchscreens to create an alarm that will call for help if the user lifts their finger off.
Sunrise: Nature's alarm clock for the land, the sea, and the myriad of creatures who call our planet home.
We illustrate how to use EPON Network Element Management System Communication Interface to call for business and how to use the callback function to transmit alarm data.
According to consumer's call for but the selective breeding automation liquid place, pressure gives an alarm under the control of , voluntarily.
Disable orientation in alarm ringing, incoming call and semi active state.
Disable orientation in alarm ringing, incoming call and semi active state.