A drunken driver is usually defined as one with a 0.10 blood alcohol content or roughly three beers, glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours.
Proofs vary, but range up to 30% or more alcohol content.
Called nihonshu in Japan, sake is a rice wine with an alcohol content of 15% to 17%.
The finished wines with lower volatile acid had higher alcohol content and dry extract.
A quick method of determining the alcohol content of beer by chemical oxidation was introduced.
The alcohol content is as low as in fruit juice which we give our children without hesitation, too.
Thus, a preference for food with a higher fat and alcohol content would have been important for survival.
Describes a wine whose alcohol content has been increased by the addition of brandy or neutral spirits.
As the major technology used in making white liquor is stewing or steaming, the alcohol content is high.
I warned him that Maotai has a much higher alcohol content than most liquors he was accustomed to drinking.
Added the alcohol content of the make-up water is more refreshing for the skin comfortable with certain effects.
Top it up with water and you have a bubbly, lime-colored and -flavored drink with just 3 percent alcohol content.
Its most famous products are the Carlsberg lager, Special Brew (which has a 9% alcohol content) and Elephant beer.
Some of those might be terrific, but if we had nothing else to go on, we'd look for alcohol content at about 14% and below.
A green liqueur having a bitter anise or licorice flavor and a high alcohol content, prepared from absinthe and other herbs.
苦艾酒带较苦的茴香味道或甘草味道的高浓度绿色酒。从苦艾和其他植物中' '。
This paper discusses the problem of alcohol content in blood of a drunk person, especially analyzes a drunk driver's in detail.
Each kind of liquor alcohol content (ethyl alcohol number of degree) different, may drink a liquor minute star is also different.
The fermented liquid is boiled, and the volatile components are condensed to yield a product with a higher alcohol content that, beer.
There are several factors that affect the alcohol content of wine including the style of wine, quality level, and climate where the grapes grow.
Scottish politicians, who pioneered the smoking ban in Britain, are considering setting minimum prices on drinks, determined by their alcohol content.
Fortified: Indicates wine whose alcohol content has been increased by the addition of brandy or neutral spirits. Port and sherry are two examples.
Beer and wine were historically limited to a maximum alcohol content of about 15% by volume, beyond which yeast is adversely affected and cannot ferment.
啤酒和葡萄酒均在历史上只限于最高酒精含量约15 %,数量,超出酵母是不利的影响,不能发酵。
Beer and wine were historically limited to a maximum alcohol content of about 15% by volume, beyond which yeast is adversely affected and cannot ferment.
啤酒和葡萄酒均在历史上只限于最高酒精含量约15 %,数量,超出酵母是不利的影响,不能发酵。