The computer algebra system CASS1 is designed by algebraic simplification method.
I find this latter CSE especially cool, as I've seen real programmers miss this sort of algebraic simplification in real code.
The optimizer has been able to do algebraic simplification on a+a, instead generating 2*a, and on (c*b)*12 + c*b, instead generating (c*b)*13.
该编译器可以对a+a进行代数简化,即改为生成2*a,也可以对 (c*b)*12 + c*b 进行代数简化,即改为生成 (c*b)*13。
The minimal path sets (MPS) are achieved by Boolean algebraic simplification calculation. The authors put forward the analyzing result of the structural significance of the basic event.
The minimal path sets (MPS) are achieved by Boolean algebraic simplification calculation. The authors put forward the analyzing result of the structural significance of the basic event.