The flat presentation organizes all the database objects by type, which enables you to sort objects by name, schema, connection alias, and so on.
Create the authentication alias matching the user name and password used when creating the database.
And once a database connection is established, the customized prompt also shows the alias of the connected database.
In the dialogue box that displays, enter SAMPLEDB as the Data source name and choose SAMPLEDB from the drop-down list for the Database alias.
If you have explicitly cataloged an alias name after database creation, use the alias name.
Do not select the option to create another database alias.
We'll go ahead and create an alias for the database we created earlier in this article.
Create JAAS authorization alias for database authentication at run time.
The first step is to map the alias that we mentioned earlier to the user ID and password for the database.
Nickname - the nickname is a local alias for the remote table in the source database.
You created a database alias to use to refer to your database.
You should now have an alias called: Classics Database, as shown in Figure 12.
In other words, if you do not mind giving the alias PPMT_DB on the target server for the source PPMT_DB database, then you do not need to create a local alias on the source server.
In the following example, the variable is set to the value of the database alias itself.
Listprincs subcommand is an alias for list_principals which lists existing principals in the database.
listprincs子命令是list _principals的别名,它会列出数据库内现有的主体。
In the example below, database WBRKBDB has an alias of WBRKBDBT for TCP connectivity.
Change it to the desired schema name (BPCME in our example) and assign the appropriate authentication Alias for database authentication.
The Message Broker database alias must be included in this file.
In the example below, database WBRKBDB has the alias WBRKBDBT for TCP connectivity.
This is the DB2 database alias where the QApply metadata information is stored.
这是存储qapply元数据信息的DB 2数据库别名。
Check the checkbox next to DAISY_DB in order to use the remote Sun server database PPMT_DB with alias DAISY_DB, as your capture database.
The specdb alias points to the database machine, the specemulator alias points to the emulator machine, and the specdelivery alias points to the deilvery system (deployment manager in our case).
specdb别名指向数据库所在机器,specemulator 别名指向仿真器所在机器,而specdelivery 别名则指向交付系统(在这个例子中是部署管理器)。
The TDPID is an alias that the Teradata client applications use to connect to the Teradata database.
You can specify the database name, database location, alias, comments, and whether you want automatic storage.
The example also shows an ODBC-accessed database that has ODBC DSN ODBCDB, with the alias ODBCDBT for TCP connectivity.
sample file in the Message Broker information center. The Message Broker database alias must be included in this file.
Select Add to add a new datasource, and select the driver and a database alias to register (Available from the control panel / Administrative Tools / Data Source).
选择Add来添加一个新的数据源,然后选择驱动程序和要注册的数据库别名(可以从controlpanel /AdministrativeTools /DataSource 中获得)。
Select the ACCDB2 from the database alias pull-down menu, and in the Database alias field, provide a name for your data source.
从数据库别名下拉菜单选择ACCDB2,在Database alias字段提供数据源的名称。
From the properties list, you will find that the Component-managed authentication alias is set to DB2AuthAlias, PBUDGET is set as the database name, and so on.
从属性列表中,您可发现Component - managedauthenticationalias被设置成db2authalias,PBUDGET被设置为数据库名称等等。
This will list all certificates in the database by their alias name.