Dharma is a level of conscious connectivity to all in existence.
All Y chromosomes in existence today are descended from a single ancestor's who is thought to have lived about 140,000 years ago.
All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence.
And all those everyday consumer products, which owe their existence, in no small part, to manufacturing methods that wouldn't work without Einstein's enunciation of the atomic theory of matter.
Of course the existence of three models means that event handling doesn't work the same way in all browsers.
The condition of the desperate man in this respect is utterly different: if all problems were solved, he would not be any less anxious, since his anxiety arises out of his own subjective existence.
Present-day concern with music is shown by the existence of something like a hundred summer schools in music, which cater for all grades of musicians, from the mere beginner to the skilled performer.
In this movie, though, the existence of a second Earth is a metaphor, artistic leverage to explore what it means to confront yourself and your past, warts and all.
A programmer has to implement a flow that processes the message in Listing 1 and check all recipients' E-mail addresses on their existence in this directory.
程序员必须实现一个这样流程,该流程处理清单1中的消息并且检查该姓名地址录中存在的所有收件人的e - mail地址。
Of this existence we know many things, but no new light falls upon any page of that; in memory is written all of it that we can read.
Yoga seeks to bring harmony across all levels of our existence, from the body, breath, mind, spirit, etc., and unite them in harmony.
These are all ways of defusing what they, in fact, mainly the existence, perhaps the inevitable existence, of subversion with respect to structures and circulatory systems of power.
Then when we look at the statistics, all we see are a lot of assets in the fund that performed well and the underperforming fund that was merged out of existence isn't there anymore.
I dutifully planted myself in front of the television in the rare moments I was home, and filled my existence with all the normal stuff of modern life-debt, clutter and stress.
在我难得呆在家里的时候我总是让自己坐在电视机前,满脑子充斥着现代生活里常有的东西- - - - - -债务、混乱和压力。
This project will transform all of existence, in all its aspects and permutations.
All right. We've been talking about arguments that might give us reason to believe in the existence of an immaterial soul.
Hao Mingyi: To me, all literature book is in hypostatic world and digital world may collateral existence.
Since the beginning of time, the angels of the High Heavens and the demons of the Burning Hells have endlessly warred for dominion over all existence in what is referred to as the Great Conflict.
There are answers to some questions that I cannot give you about the origin of All that is, for they are not known anywhere in the system in which we have our existence.
In the course of description and analysis, I have run through such a theory to suppose all the time: the existence way of a society forms culture of this society.
This hovel, built of old rubbish, which was still in existence in 1845, was composed, as the reader already knows, of three Chambers, all of which were utterly bare and had nothing beyond the walls.
We are all in this together and there is no therapist and no person immune to the inherent tragedies of existence.
There are more different kinds of insects in existence today than the total of all kinds of other animals put together.
First, in order to spotlight the clothes, we painted all the floor, wall, and ceiling in white, and let any other elements to lose their existence.
We live in an immense universe, where stardust and light particles float all throughout. Our existence is minor in comparison.
We live in an immense universe, where stardust and light particles float all throughout. Our existence is minor in comparison.