Communicate, create documents, and more-all in real-time.
Connectivity, Parameter Passing, DRCs, all in real-time.
Optify's detailed analytics showed Corensic's team where visitors were coming from, what search terms they used to get there and what they did on the site, all in real-time.
There is no need to redeploy the connectivity logic into the infrastructure, as it is all described in the registry, and acted upon in near real-time.
All this happens in real time and the only effect on client applications is that some transactions might be rolled back while this is going on.
Real time information is just as valuable as all the other information, we want it included in our search results.
Automatically sharing your location, in real-time, with all your friends?
Most importantly, and unlike email analytics, all these tools and their analytics provide instant feedback so that you can react in real time to campaigns that are working (and those that are not).
Real-time feeds can be processed efficiently while the data is still in motion, running on scale-out clusters with fail-over capability, and all performed on commodity machines.
So it's hard to be shocked when you see it all again, unfolding in real time on television and the Internet.
Search queries to all search targets are issued in parallel and results are returned asynchronously, enabling you to navigate through the results as they are returned in real time.
All decisions the software makes correlates the due date with material utilization and shop capacity, and all of it happens in real time.
To help members scour through all this information, the company developed an advanced search engine that pulls in real-time data from many different sites around the Web.
All of our airline and rental car reservations are electronically transferred in real-time to our partners' systems and confirmations come back to us the same way.
It takes advantage of connectivity when available to work with data in real-time and realizes all the benefits of the always-online architecture.
You could read feeds in real-time, add notes, and do much more, all from one page.
All of these options are updated in real-time for conference attendees, and the conference space can persist over time.
Since all aspects of the software are focused on being real-time, delays and poor quality in that arena could seriously curtail the platform's usefulness.
Neil: In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time which you might not find in your dictionary.
All of this activity data is now collected, viewed, aggregated and analyzed in real time.
But the real challenge (besides all the body-bending the poses require) will be completing all the positions in such a short period of time.
They then implemented the feature for other events that generally cause a real-time traffic spike in microblogging and live video content, such as the NBA All-Star Game and the Academy Awards.
NEW YORK - Live streaming - sending images in real time to the Internet's vast public - is all the rage in the fashion world.
They weren't designed to handle tens, hundreds, or even millions of users and requests, all simultaneous and in real time.
Instead, like the networked game played by the second child, all players will be playing in real time and their strategies will interact and determine the outcomes.
Instead, like the networked game played by the second child, all players will be playing in real time and their strategies will interact and determine the outcomes.