Not that she was competent, strong, creative, or smart but that every little girl wants — or should want — to be the Fairest of Them All.
She herself saw to our food and clothing and all other wants, and kept us constantly near, so that we might not feel our loss too keenly.
Yingluck says she wants to fulfill all her campaign promises but won't stubbornly pursue those that do not work.
That newscaster is a showboat, she wants to be on camera all the time.
The thing that she wants usually most of all is time. The Obamas will try and get a date night.
Just because a user has saved her work to avoid losing it in a crash doesn't necessarily mean that she wants to commit to all the changes she has made.
Williams says, "She told me that she just wants me to dance, like just be really free and just dance like nobody's looking and go all out."
Williams says, "She told me that she just wants me to dance, like just be really free and just dance like nobody's looking and go all out."