At nightfall of the next day, the hemp was all used up.
So once the pebble is depleted a fresh pebble can be put it in or it can be re-circulated back in the reactor if its burn-up isn't all used up or the fuel isn't all used up.
Xiaofan, a smart boy from Shenzhen, used to have difficulty in getting up on time, and his alarm clock was of no use at all.
He used all his strength to raise the tree back up again, and look after it until it completely recovered.
We have used up most of the cloth, and all we have left is a few bits and pieces.
He said: "I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet."
That is partly for environmental reasons-much irreplaceable Amazon jungle has already been lost-and partly because many countries have used up all their available farmland.
My dad stood up and used the song, "You Mean all the World to Me." he choked up with emotion in front of us all and it was so powerful to witness the love he had for his wife.
Note: Many of the TSA commands used in the setup require RSH to be set up on all three nodes.
It all started in college, when I got hooked up with a job at a used CD store.
I've used up all my credit and either I find a place to borrow money in a hurry or I won't be able to meet my payroll Saturday or buy enough food for us to stay open next week.
If an XML data model is not used, you may end up having all the data embedded in the fields of the form, making the data difficult to extract and maintain.
Cumulative incremental backup on the other hand, backs up all the blocks used since the most recent backup at level n-1 or lower.
另一方面,累积增量备份将备份自最近在级别n - 1或更低级别上进行备份以后使用的所有数据块。
He also dreamed up the Doomsday Machine, a device that could destroy all life on Earth, which Kubrick used in Dr. Strangelove.
他还构想出一部可以消灭所有地球生命的末日机器,在《Dr . Strangelove》里Kubrick就使用了这个创意。
I used to swim in the ponds around our village, but they have all dried up.
We tried to type this all in one go and accidentally used standard brackets, which wiped out all everything we'd done up to that point!
Stars like our sun fuse hydrogen in their cores into helium. White dwarfs are stars that have burned up all of the hydrogen they once used as nuclear fuel.
The end result is that I do get some stuff done, but not nearly as much as I could, if I freed up all this extra energy used in wasted thinking.
The hunters that used all their mental capabilities to come up with the answers, successfully killing animals day after day, were clearly the most intelligent.
All your skill was used up ages ago in Palestine, and you must lie fallow for a thousand years to git strength for more deeds!
My neighborhood buddies and I used to tear up the streets of South Miami on our skateboards every day after school and all weekend long.
White dwarfs are stars that have burned up all of the hydrogen they once used as nuclear fuel.
He used up all his powers fighting the starfish monster.
"My father used to beated up all our family, " he says. "He is taking alcohol.
Sadly, lots of them are now $13, up from the flat $10 that Amazon used to charge for all best sellers.
可惜的是,其中许多书现在都要13 美元了,本来亚马逊的畅销书定价是10 美元平价。
Chopsticks can be used for picking up all kinds of food; meat, veg, rice, even the bones from fish, because by nature, their simplicity means that they are adaptable.
Perhaps that is not surprising: after all, when automatic washing-machines first appeared people used to draw up a chair and sit and watch them complete their wash, rinse and spin cycles.
Perhaps that is not surprising: after all, when automatic washing-machines first appeared people used to draw up a chair and sit and watch them complete their wash, rinse and spin cycles.