Apple refused to comment on whether or not Mr Allegra has been employed.
Allegra: …Just like in the boarding school, when everyone used to tease me because i could' whistle.
We try an organic rapeseed oil from Brittany, called Troustain Barville, which Allegra describes as "grassy" and Charles calls "brassica-ish".
I got lucky, Allegra McEvedy had used my kitchen for a shoot the week before and had left just the right quantity of beef bone marrow in the fridge.
Pairing original textile and pattern designs with inspiring photography of interiors and landscapes, the book is an internal voyage through Allegra Hicks 'mind.
The health arguments considered, I embarked on a taste test with Allegra McEvedy and her friend, Charles Carey, who has been importing oils for more than 20 years.
The health arguments considered, I embarked on a taste test with Allegra McEvedy and her friend, Charles Carey, who has been importing oils for more than 20 years.