I'm going to refer you to an allergist.
My allergist then entrusts this information to the ambulance attendant.
But allergist Dr Patrick Win tells us, "There is really no good data to support this".
If you suspect that you're allergic to a certain food product, it would be best to consult an expert allergist.
I interviewed medical professionals, healthcare IT experts, and my allergist. They confirmed my sickbed analysis.
Next, an attending physician asks for my doctor’s name, no, not my allergist, my internist, and please relate my medical history.
According to a new theory by Reinhard Jarisch, an allergist from Vienna, histamines are the cause of the symptoms of sea sickness.
For best effects, take allergy drugs at bedtime and asthma drugs in the late afternoon, a National Jewish Medical Center allergist advises.
The allergist, assuming he is a graduate of an approved program, and board certified or eligable, was the most qualified person to manage your care.
You can consult an allergist for testing or, if you suspect a certain dietary culprit (sugar is a common one), try eliminating it from your child's diet for several days.
"People in favour of various bans feel it is just easier to have the food eliminated," says Scott Sicherer, an allergist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.
“赞成各种各样禁令的人们认为消除这种食品更容易。”纽约城西奈山医学院过敏症专治医师斯科特(Scott Sicherer)说。
Nationally-renowned NYU allergist and dermatologist, Dr. David Cohen, recommends our Super Sensitive Shampoo & Bodywash to his patients with allergies and chemical sensitivities.
Upon discharge from the Ed, less than half of patients were prescribed epinephrine, and even fewer were referred to an allergist or received instructions on avoiding suspected foods.
90 minutes pass before the ambulance arrives. My allergist spends the intervening time preparing a four page memorandum giving my medical history, my current condition, and a treatment plan.
Two hours - a 104 degree fever, a not-working-so-well emergency asthma treatment regimen, and a tortured conversation with my then very concerned allergist - later, and I was on my way to urgent care.
Two hours - a 104 degree fever, a not-working-so-well emergency asthma treatment regimen, and a tortured conversation with my then very concerned allergist - later, and I was on my way to urgent care.