Therefore, they almost always do crappy work when given a term-length project and told to manage their time themselves.
In production environments, default mapping almost always do not suffice; some degree of tuning of the mapping is usually required.
Smiling almost always leaves a positive (积极的) impression on people, especially those who do not know you.
You almost always want to do the same, and the browser will combine the global skin with your more specific stylesheet.
Although people almost always know the right thing to do - cheating is wrong - their sense of power makes it easier to rationalize away the ethical lapse.
Not only can you use tools and libraries to do this, but you almost always should.
I was always having to refer to the API documentation to do even the most basic XML tree manipulations; nothing was intuitive, and almost every operation was complex.
Almost always, if Banks can expand 10:1 on top of their reserves, they will do so, since that is how they make their money.
With aggregation and composition, anything you do to the whole in the database you almost always need to do to the parts, whereas with association that is not the case.
All you have to do is replace the unhealthy food with healthier alternatives - and you almost always get to enjoy more of the healthy food.
You have to pay that debt back and almost always you end up having to do that at the most inconvenient time.
Almost immediately after we left the base it became clear that spotters were tracking our movements from distant rooftops, as they always do.
But we do observe that almost always these changes occur in the context of a personal relationship.
Casanova (BBC One) stars Leslie Phillips as an attractive, charming man who almost always gets his way with women, and speaks largely in innuendo (" do you happen to know the Ding-a-Ling Club? ").
卡萨诺瓦(bbc一台)之星LesliePhillips饰演一个有魅力、迷人的男子,总是用自己的方式去得到女人,大部分都是暗示。(你知道Ding - a - Ling俱乐部发生了什么?)
But if the future's different-and it almost always is-then it's the wrong thing to do.
doubles do better because they have more bits (which is one reason you should almost always use doubles instead of floats); but there are still practical limits to how accurate they can be.
使用double 数会更好,因为它们的位数更多(这是应该总是使用 double 数而不是float 数的理由之一);但它们的精度仍然受到一定限制。
The most compelling andmotivating reason/benefit is almost always the thing you say only afteryou've answered at least three "Yeah, but WHY do I care?"
The main cause of a road accident almost always has something to do with the driver's driving skills or judgments.
They always show up for the training, almost every one has some knowledge of English and even those who don't, do their best to explain the most important things and somehow always succeed.
The evil that is in the world almost always comes from ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding.
He knows everything. He can do anything. He is always right. He's almost like God.
Fridays are always the most hectic days for me. There's so much to do that I almost lose my mind.
When in FK, do the arms last. The motion of the arms is almost always dictated by the torso.
When in FK, do the arms last. The motion of the arms is almost always dictated by the torso.