A site investigation revealed the drive had a poor sub base, causing unattractive cracks along the walk that reflected poorly on the property.
Take a walk in any of the more ritzy areas of New York and every other person has a dog—on a leash, or even being pushed along in a stroller.
It was sometimes so crowded that it was difficult to walk along the streets especially through busy markets.
Boys and girls, please walk along the right side of the road.
Once, Zhuang Zi and his friend were taking a walk along the river.
My grandpa often takes a walk along the river early in the morning.
To warn the people not to walk along the seafront in very windy weather, Mr. Reeder has advised the government to put up some signs.
If you walk along the River Thames, there are lots of interesting buildings to see.
It's also a good choice for you to walk along the wooden roads and enjoy natural sights around if you are not so brave.
Sorry, I was taking a walk with my friend along the river.
Let's say you are taking a walk along the road and you happen to see one or two waste bottes lying on the grass beside the road.
Walk along Long Street to the end and you can see the nature park. The library is across from the nature park.
To me, a walk or run along the river trail is serenity at the end of a hectic day.
But supermarkets know shoppers know this, so they use other tricks, like placing popular items halfway along a section so that people have to walk all along the aisle looking for them.
People walk along the Moskva river at the outskirts of Moscow on a Thursday afternoon, Dec. 2, 2010 as temperatures plummeted to -23 Celscius ( -9 Fahrenheit). AP / Mikhail Metzel
If, on waking one fine morning we were to find gravitation reduced to only a fraction of itself, would we still demurely walk along the high road?
So, you know that if you walk right along these curves, you will stay along the same height.
But somewhere along the line, primates discovered how to stand up and walk on two legs.
For some reason he smiled at what he saw, and turned to walk some yards along the towpath.
One day, when I walk past the lawn and saw a young mother of a staggering along traction baby learning to walk, this picture is so shock the human mind.
He had the skill to walk along a busy street looking to all eyes like everyone else, but there was no crowd to blend in with here.
You turn left at the first intersection. Walk along that road, turn right at the corner.
If, for example, I simply want to get out at the northwest exit and walk along Wangfujing without any particular destination in mind, I have to ask the station employees for the right exit.
The following instructions walk through the creation of a new DB2 database along with the necessary tables and triggers for the Customer Order Example.
下面的说明逐步地为该客户订单示例完成新的DB 2数据库以及必要的表和触发器的创建。
One day after a meeting held at the Chinese Institute of Electronics, I decided to take a nice walk east along Yuyuantan Nanlu to return to the hotel.
Asked what he would do with it, he usually replies that he would walk his dog along the beach near Mumbai.
You read the placards as you walk along, and I guess most of the coast was covered with redwoods at one time, but they've been destroyed to make way for people.
Fireworks light up the sky to launch the Christmas tree display along a bay walk in Palawan city, Philippines.
Fireworks light up the sky to launch the Christmas tree display along a bay walk in Palawan city, Philippines.