Lantern hanging lamp lights: jilin consuetudinary also has a long history.
The privilege also has a long history in ancient China, which is recognized as the"accept and hide"system.
Just like China, the neighbouring India also has a long history of civilization and a large number of people.
Turkey Stone's exhibition industry also has a long history. As early as 1998, it began to host stone exhibition.
The spelling hairbrained also has a long history, going back to the 1500s when hair was a variant spelling of hare.
The rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge also has a long history, dating back to the days when Cambridge was founded by dissident scholars from Oxford.
The refractory material also has a long history and mature manufacturing experience, low-cost production of high quality refractory products and laid a solid foundation.
Chinese culture has a long history in 5000, but it all with the same culture, there is also the essence behind.
Chinese tea culture has a long history, profound, not only contains the material and cultural level, also contains a deep spiritual level.
This custom has a long history which not only brings festivity to the holiday, but is also a symbol for people to express their wishes for welcoming the new year, blessings, and fortunes.
Hence food industry is a matter of human beings 'lives and it has not only a time-honored history but also a long-term future.
Taiyuan is a city with long history. It has not only its special culture but also has its distinguishing feature in local food.
China has an extremely long history of national languages and writings; it also has a rich and colorful national languages and writings world.
It has a tremendous long rich history and it has contributed immeasurably to the progress of human knowledge and also to human culture.
For quite a long history in China, there has been not only philosophy, but also metaphysics.
China has a long history of traditional art, art reproduction of the history is also very long.
It has also been important for me to maintain a long-term perspective on creating value for stakeholders, something many might think would come naturally in a business with 130 years of history.
China has a long history of production of condiments, It is also people's essential for everyone in daily lives.
I would also like to thank Holland College for their strong support. Holland College has a long history in China and this program would not have happened without their work to link Agriteam to CIT.
The company has a long history, has a long history, stone carving exquisite domestic market, not only draw strong, the foreign market also increasingly widely.
Linguistic meaning is problem in philosophy which has a long research history. It is also a basic problem in translation.
China has a long history of sending red envelope at spring festival, it represents not only a good wish, but also reminding people don't forget the benefit from others.
Real estate agent industry has a long history in China and it is also a newly developing industry.
Real estate agent industry has a long history in China and it is also a newly developing industry.