This discovery provides an alternative option for the potential electromagnetic application of the EBG structure.
The alternative option would be to lower your standard, which I don't suggest, when you are capable of being better.
If you are tempted to use the GO to statement with a procedure name, consider the EVALUATE statement as an alternative option.
The hybrid vehicle is a very promising alternative option for significantly improving fuel efficiency, followed by the electric vehicle.
The alternative option would be to lower your standard, which I don't suggest, when you are capable of being better.... be your best, to attract the best.
This technique provides a good alternative option for the control of hemorrhage from ruptured hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm after PD, especially in those who cannot undergo embolization.
Maybe the disregard option just is one that we can't actually take on as an intellectually acceptable alternative.
And the purpose of the public option is to make sure that the industry doesn't waste another 15 years - by giving Americans an alternative if private insurers fall down on the job.
There is one other alternative. That is to choose the option that Microsoft has been offering all along.
Because AspectJ is not an option for some, we offer an alternative approach in this article.
Unfortunately, he doesn't think that a Twitter-share or Facebook-share option would be a better alternative - or even a good replacement for shouts.
It is not a pleasant option. But the alternative could be the end of the euro.
Although the idea of alternative descriptors was available, the monolithic metadata made it an unattractive option.
These changes include a complete rewrite of the binding compiler code generation, with an added option for using source code enhancement as an alternative to bytecode enhancement.
Unless you are amongst the group of migrants who are getting on the boats to Lampedusa in that extremely dangerous fashion, you have very limited if actually no option, no alternative.
In 2004, it began offering apple slices with caramel dip as an alternative to fries, but it seemed the option wasn't very popular.
If it's not finding a library you're sure is installed, there may be an option to let you specify an alternative location for that library.
The trick is to offer one pricey full-insurance deal, and an alternative cheap option with a sizeable deductible.
In the "basics" section presented earlier in this paper, I covered the combined fragments known as "alternative," "option," and "loop."
Though we added this option to enhance the accessibility of Google maps for blind and low-vision users, perhaps others will find this alternative view a useful addition to their maps Arsenal.
You could use the -fd option in db2look to use the db2fopt alternative if you cannot afford to have the same amount of buffer pool allocated in test as in production.
如果您无法在测试中分配到与生产中相同数量的缓冲池,那么可以在db2look中使用- fd选项来使用db 2 fopt备选命令。
With more and more people claiming to have an intolerance to cow's milk and cheese, the donkey alternative is becoming an increasingly attractive option.
This procedure alone was capable of controlling the ocular hypertension and could also be considered as an alternative if traditional glaucoma treatments are not an option or fail to control the IOP.
Have you though of using a supercritical fluid? Usually there is a cheaper alternative, but in this ease it may be your best option.
I'm not saying this should be the de facto option but it's an alternative finance channel worth considering, provided the pros and cons and cost/benefit has been properly considered.
I'm not saying this should be the de facto option but it's an alternative finance channel worth considering, provided the pros and cons and cost/benefit has been properly considered.