Enigma have achieved a staggering popularity with their fusion of classical and ambient music.
There are many CDs or music downloads with ambient music of this type, including water, space, and nature sounds.
The ambient lights were low and soothing, the music bland, the employees, like Enzo, treading water.
“Soldier of Love” is so bereft of saxophone and leans so heavily on acoustic guitar that it’s almost an ambient version of country music, which suits the singer’s strengths just fine.
《爱的战士》中对萨克斯的使用如此稀少而对原音吉他的倚赖如此广泛,差不多可以把它称作一张氛围乐化了的乡村乐。 话说回来,这样的音乐风格能很好地衬托歌手的长处。
A new spooky island setting complete with new enemies, new plants, new decorative objects, new buildings, new ambient sounds and music and more.
A new spooky island setting complete with new enemies, new plants, new decorative objects, new buildings, new ambient sounds and music and more.