Instead, it contents itself with denouncing the present set-up as "American hegemony".
The basic features of American hegemony are its active multilateralism and non-equity.
The studying of the "soft power" opens a new point for exploring the nature of American hegemony.
At the same time higher commodity prices are giving increased economic power to countries that dislike American hegemony.
Two years on, resentment of American hegemony is alive and well, along with a sense that it may be on the wane anyway.
Given the intricate web of relations between the two countries, the Sino - American hegemony struggle is unlikely to blow up into an all-out confrontation.
American hegemony since is the nature that the hegemony composes the department to continue, but have the special history background and the hegemony characteristics again.
"The days of financial hegemony are over," says one senior American official gloomily.
What is more, the world's big economies have much to lose from an end to American monetary hegemony.
In the age of globalization, it is a long-term and tremendous task for various nations in the world to consciously resist the American cultural hegemony and protect their own cultures.
The shift of the world oil center, the establishment of OPEC and the gradually weakening of American oil hegemony all result from the games between USA and the Middle East.
The shift of the world oil center, the establishment of OPEC and the gradually weakening of American oil hegemony all result from the games between USA and the Middle East.