One idea is that France should set up a National Defence and security Council, loosely modelled on the American version, to co-ordinate domestic and foreign security.
Circumstances seem favorable to a new American drive to unite the United Nations Security Council behind a demand that Iraq either accept full inspections or face possible military consequences.
In February European members in the Security Council voted together-against a lone American veto-to denounce illegal Israeli settlements.
The outgoing American secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, welcomed Egypt's plan at the UN Security Council.
即将卸任的美国国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯(Condoleezza Rice)在联合国安理会上对埃及的计划表示欢迎。
"There's a line between our desire for security and for civil liberties," says Faisil Gill, of the American Muslim Council.
"We have bought Arizona with an excellent down payment, it will serve the American economy well. I don" t think the security council will give it a moment's thought.
Their application to the UN's Security Council, pencilled in for September 23rd, will be rebuffed by an American veto.
Their application to the UN's Security Council, pencilled in for September 23rd, will be rebuffed by an American veto.