What you'll find if you reserve the typical amount of up-front design time and spread it out over the project is that you'll have tons of time to make design decisions.
You won't find much tooling, and only recently a significant amount of information has been produced to help spread expertise.
Some applications cannot be spread across multiple computers, and some operations take a certain amount of time no matter how fast the computer is.
Since coverage spread gradually, this provided an ideal way to gauge the effect of mobile phones on the fishermen's behaviour, the price of fish, and the amount of waste.
It is rumored that the fire was ignited by the damaged caused by the earthquake, but spread by the obscene amount of large, oiled, mustaches present in the city.
The amount of water in the ocean would have formed the equivalent of a 1, 800 foot layer spread out over the entire planet.
The tasks were carried out in five sessions that were spread over three days but the total amount of time spent on learning only came to one hour and 48 minutes.
Because the car in the work itself to spread a large amount of heat, plus external heat, will make the many rubber components, which intensifies aging tyres need particular care.
Usage: Take proper amount of the product (as large as a rice) at your fingertip, spread it over around your eyes, so as to fully mix it with your skin.
Usage: Put proper amount of the product in your palm, spread it over your skin, so as to fully mix it with your skin.
The spread of human relations is no cost or only a small amount of cost, but it can have a tremendous propaganda effect.
New US research indicates that the absolute humidity, which measures the amount of water present in the air, is the key to reducing the spread of flu.
Usage:Put proper amount of the product in your face, evenly spread it over, and massage it for 5-10 minutes, then use towel to wipe it or rinse it.
使用方法:取适量在整个面部均匀延展,然后进行按摩。 按摩5-10分钟结束,用纸巾轻按擦净或清水洗净。
As the thickness of spread clay, The Times of grind, the machine of grind, the best containing water amount of clay, the dry density.
The amount and volume of trade that is conducted over such mediums has increased manifold over the years with the spread and adoption of Internet.
Direction for use: Get appropriate amount of the product, mildly spread on the skin around the eyes from inside canthus to tail of the eyes, till it absorbed completely.
First, a small amount of hoisin sauce is spread onto the pancake, then a spoonful or two of moo shu pork is placed in the center of the pancake.
Take proper amount of this product, put it on palm, evenly spread it on the entire face with fingers to make it integrated with the makeup, and then rinse it off with clean or warm water.
Since then, the Chinese people access to information search methods, mixed in the global spread of other importers, the Chinese people still get the same amount of information;
Since then, the Chinese people access to information search methods, mixed in the global spread of other importers, the Chinese people still get the same amount of information;