The point of an academic degree, as opposed to a vocational qualification, is to teach understanding, rather than skills—a point sadly lost on Dr.
An academic degree conferred by a college or university upon those who complete at least one year of prescribed study beyond the bachelor's degree.
Some graduates obtain such an academic degree in order to teach investors, mortgage loan originators, and other professionals connected with this field.
The point of an academic degree, as opposed to a vocational qualification, is to teach understanding, rather than skills-a point sadly lost on Dr. McBride when he penned his article.
一个学术学位,不同于一种职业资格,关键在于让人理解而不是技术——不幸的是Dr .McBride在写这篇文章的时候没有注意到这一点。
However, the risk in the public finance budget executive audit is a huge topic, as an academic degree thesis with limit capacity, we can choose only a few problems among those to study.
There Mr. Salvendy earned a master's degree and a doctorate. Then in 1968 he landed an academic appointment in the U.S.
While we do not require a degree in a specific discipline, an outstanding academic record is essential, as are strong analytical and numerical capabilities.
This dissertation will provide an academic reference to the development of CBD in a certain degree.
This academic paper major discusses the way to raise the core competition ability of enterprise from degree of an Angle of the organization and the method.
There is still a significant number of experts in the academic world who look down upon the idea of an entirely online degree.
There is still a significant number of experts in the academic world who look down upon the idea of an entirely online degree.