Some American customs and ways of thinking can be an eye opener to many Chinese people.
The Wuyi University experience was an eye opener, I really liked the tai-chi sword lessons.
It's an eye opener to realize that oh, actually this pattern, factory or strategy, is a solution to my problem.
I wanted to share an incident of my life with you, hoping that it may be an eye opener to you so that you can live more years.
We should implement the system in Parliament building so that it can be an eye opener for others to follows and Parliament should be the first and we must harness God gift.
Writing these scripts has been quite an eye-opener for me. It proves that you can do anything if the need is urgent.
For many in the West, who believed Japanese industry was built on rational analysis and the subjugation of individual creativity, it was an eye-opener.
Working with Toray was an eye-opener on the production end of the chain, says Odake.
What an eye-opener it was, taking a realistic look at all those "treasures" of ours.
Still, the new discovery and new classification of barrier islands around the Arctic Ocean is an eye-opener.
A joint venture with Toyota to manufacture cars in California was an eye-opener. It convinced GM's management that "lean" manufacturing was of the highest importance.
Jay's article was a bit of an eye-opener for me as well, as I didn't know that swearing was really as commonplace as he notes, and I never much considered the beneficial effects of swearing.
For both those who know nothing about the subject as well as those who understand its real depth this summit is going to be an eye-opener.
By the author's expensive to open an eye-opener for everyone, to be honest really exciting!
A joint venture with Toyota to manufacture cars in California was an eye-opener.
Seeing those color films the astronauts took off the earth on their flight to the moon was certainly an eye-opener.
This program was an eye-opener for me and 25 consultants that were trained and certified.
It was first time experience for some of them and it's an eye-opener to them!
"It was really an eye-opener," Dr. Willerslev said. "This individual has nothing to do with East Asians. He has something to do with Europeans and Native Americans."
For both those who know nothing about the subject as well as those who understand its real depth, this summit is going to be an eye-opener.
This was an eye-opener to me because doing what we really love seems to be absolutely necessary to life itself.
The mazing courtship was an eye-opener for the 23-year-old Cornell University chemical-engineering graduate, whose father is the managing partner of one of Singapore largest law firms.
The mazing courtship was an eye-opener for the 23-year-old Cornell University chemical-engineering graduate, whose father is the managing partner of one of Singapore largest law firms.