It seems to be an impossible dream for him to realize.
They waited for an impossible dream to turn real for a demon to turn into an angel.
They waited for an impossible dream to turn real, for a demon to turn into an angel.
Adrienne Popper longs to be like them, but wonders whether it is an impossible dream.
But it is worth remembering that just over a century ago, heavier-than-air flight seemed an impossible dream.
What I ask of you tonight is to help me make that dream come true for millions to whom it's an impossible dream today.
But it's taken it off the list from an impossible dream and converted it to something that is a (mere) technical barrier.
Launching a career as a novelist seems like an impossible dream to many - let alone doing so in a second or third language.
Perhaps being a superwoman is an impossible dream for me, but life without that kind of fantasy is as unappealing as a diet with no treats.
The SMART goal setting process exists for a reason - if your goals are not SMART you may find that you're chasing an impossible dream, something that's not entirely feasible.
Living in a city where shoebox apartment housing is astronomically expensive, the idea of owning your own woodland might sound an impossible dream, but it's cheaper than you might expect.
This is the first time I realize that I did not dream about an impossible mission. It is the most meaningful decision I have made in my life.
This is the first time I realize that I did not dream about an impossible mission. It is the most meaningful decision I have made in my life.