The open cover shall be evidenced by an open policy to be issued by the insurer.
These terms mean that the seller is responsible for arranging the insurance and this will invariable be done under an open policy in the seller's name.
We therefore began by invigorating the economy and adopting an open policy there, so as to bring the initiative of 80 per cent of the population into full play.
We operate an open-door policy here, and are always willing to listen to our students' suggestions.
It's an open question whether there is enough time left before November elections for Congress to pass punitive measures aimed at China's foreign-exchange policy.
At first, this open-door policy was a product of necessity. The world's second-biggest country, Canada needed people to fill its wide open Spaces and build an economy.
How admittedly uncertain models should influence international climate policy is an open question.
In this second article, I begin to discuss the more advanced USES of Acegi, starting with writing an access control policy and storing it in ApacheDS, an open source LDAP directory server.
That 's why I have an open door policy. Transparency above all else is essential if you want to be a success.
这就是为什么笔者采取开门政策。如果你想成功,那么透明度首先就是一个不可缺少的因素。 。
That's why I have an open door policy. Transparency above all else is essential if you want to be a success.
The U. S. is striving for an open-door policy with Japan.
If a Credit specifically calls for an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover, Banks will accept, in lieu thereof, an insurance policy.
I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.
This can also be critical for a lot of people, so take the time to check out whether there's an open door policy, or an open office concept.
The dream job with the friendly boss who has an open-door policy might turn into a nightmare as soon as you sign the offer letter.
Open - door policy open lower airspace is not an easy process, step by step for the subregion.
To be an effective modeler you need to recognize that open and honest communication is often the best policy to follow to ensure effective teamwork.
I have always had an open-door policy for my employees. I always listen to the new ideas and try to solve the problems as they arise.
I will refine my management style by using an open-door policy.
It is believed that open-end loan agreement is an effective approach to utilize the policy-based finance.
An insurance policy is acceptable in lieu of an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover.
What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?A: I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.
你有什么样的领导才能作为行政人员吗? 答:我有,改进我的行政管理方式以开放式的政策。
Having an open-door policy sounds great, but when you're the new boss, people may not feel comfortable popping by.
Having an open-door policy sounds great, but when you're the new boss, people may not feel comfortable popping by.