Test results shown that the proposed algorithm can offer an optimum solution for OYOD transformer's phase sequence adjustment.
This formulation possesses an asymptotic strong duality property and guarantees a success for identifying an optimum solution.
"Different implementations provide a greater chance for finding an optimum solution to the problem, or a solution that caters to a specialized need," said Dan Allen.
It can not only completely eliminate common computed errors, but also make its calculation result an optimum solution of the air quantity regulation through increasing resistance.
The aim was to research an optimum method without saturated hydrogen sulfide solution for limit test of heavy metals in distilled monoglycerides.
The theoretical research shows that the electronic cooling micro heat exchangers had an optimum overall dimension, and a solution was given.
On principle and method of an expert system, an engineering standard that fits both the multi objective function and the multi objective optimum solution space was established.
So, we cannot use a certain quantitative method to get an accurate optimum solution, and only can figure out with satisfaction.
Then, combined with the condition of the simulation, made continued development, formed an automatic modeling and simulation system , and got the optimum solution of the control_link easily.
An approach to the optimum solution of the Dynamic project was made by the network method, And a simple resolving way to a kind of project was found.
P mathematical model and to obtain its solution with computer, so that the decision of the profit object can be made and an optimum production plan can be worked out.
When the number of devices in a layout is more than 15, this problem will turn to a NP complete problem, only by a heuristic algorithm can an approximate optimum solution be found.
The invention belongs to the fields of solution reactor, specially an optimum design of air loop in high-power water-boiler solution-type reactor.
As multiple sequence alignment problem is an NPC problem, so its optimum solution cannot be obtained because of the time and space limits.
As multiple sequence alignment problem is an NPC problem, so its optimum solution cannot be obtained because of the time and space limits.