Last winter, three friends and I performed an original song at a school party.
Mr. Rudolph noted that few companies are able to afford the production of an original song that doesn't even mention the brand.
A copyright protects the creator of an original artisitic or intellectual work, such as a song or a novel.
版权保护原创艺术作品或脑力劳动成果 (如歌曲或小说)的创作者。
Cryptomnesia is a memory bias that occurs when a person mistakenly believes that they have come up with an original thought, idea, song or joke, when it was actually generated by someone else.
Neil Ellis found out what Sean Rees’s funeral song was. It isn’t an original composition but R. Kelly’s “The World’s Greatest”
Using the song without authorisation, filling in Indian lyrics and claiming it as an original composition.
As an important part of China's outstanding traditional culture, the original folk song is no exception.
Jimei School Song is a chorus of march style, its words are an original work, and its words structure is alike with Yellow River's.
Jimei School Song is a chorus of march style, its words are an original work, and its words structure is alike with Yellow River's.