The attributes are separated by an underscore (_).
How do I store JSON data in an Underscore template?
By default, the separator is an underscore character.
Every piece is separated by an underscore instead of a dot.
The RoR naming convention is to prefix an underscore to partials.
The \w+ is similar to the \p{Alnum}+, but adds an underscore ( _ ).
w+ 与 \p{Alnum}+类似,但添加了下划线(_)。
This imports all names except those beginning with an underscore (_).
Start and end each token with an underscore to prevent accidental string matches.
In this convention, the words in the name of a service are separated by an underscore.
The prefix is usually separated from the name by an underscore, a period, or a slash.
As noted earlier, if a class name begins with an underscore, it has no corresponding XML tag.
A word character is any letter, decimal digit, or punctuation connector such as an underscore.
Visual Basic is far less creative, it merely takes the property name and prepends an underscore.
The RoR naming convention is to prefix a partial with an underscore (for example, _addressform.rhtml).
RoR命名约定是在片段前面加一个下划线(如_addressform . rhtml)。
While there are a few ambiguous cases, the vast majority of the time an underscore will not be necessary.
In the case of sub menu, some property value is concatenated with parent menu name separated by an underscore (" _ ").
The following name property has its value concatenated with the parent menu name, separated by an underscore ("_").
One respondent commented "I get tired of having to explain to people what the difference between a hyphen and an underscore is".
If the $ character is not followed by a left brace, letter, or an underscore, the $ character remains unmolested in the text literal.
Here we use an underscore at the end of the pattern to show that the pattern is incomplete, the pattern either finds a date or it doesn't.
The name can be any combination of letters, Numbers, or an underscore that does not start with a number, and it cannot contain Spaces.
As usual the name is case sensitive except (on most projects) for the first letter, and a blank space is equivalent with an underscore.
By default, the end-of-file string is an underscore (_); if that character is sent as a single input argument, everything after it is ignored.
Identifiers cannot contain two consecutive underscores, nor can an identifier begin with an underscore followed immediately by an upper-case letter.
The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that an underscore (_) separates one word from the next. This form is also known as underscore case.
For naming images the same guidelines are followed. Just add an underscore plus with the language code plus an additional underscore plus the country code.
We found one interesting bug, when we had used an underscore (_) in the host-name, which kept the WPAR manager from being able to locate one of our managed systems.
A locale name is constructed from a two-letter lowercase ISO country code, optionally followed by an underscore or hyphen and a two-letter uppercase ISO language code.
You can use an underscore (Scala's standard wild card character) as a placeholder to catch any type of exception (really, to match any case in a pattern matching expression).
You can use an underscore (Scala's standard wild card character) as a placeholder to catch any type of exception (really, to match any case in a pattern matching expression).