Churchill telegraphed an urgent message to Wavell.
It was an urgent message for the nearest magic man to come to Juffure and drive out evil spirits.
At noon the following day I returned to the hotel and found an urgent message to telephone my wife.
They play astronauts who are tinkering with the Hubble Space Telescope when they receive an urgent message from Ground Control.
At noon the following day I returned to the hotel and found an urgent message to telephone my wife. Her voice was unnaturally high and quavering.
The Viennese apostle of the free market owes much of his success to Glenn Beck, a TV host on Fox News, who believes the book carries an urgent message for today’s Americans.
The Viennese apostle of the free market owes much of his success to Glenn Beck, a TV host on Fox News, who believes the book carries an urgent message for today's Americans.
It may begin with an "urgent message" from the bank that issued your credit card: "For security reasons, your credit card will expire in 10 days."
It may begin with an "urgent message" from the bank that issued your credit card: "For security reasons, your credit card will expire in 10 days."