He 's been promoted, and about time too, ie it ought to have happened earlier.
It was my longest motorcycle ride yet, at about 175 miles, and I experienced freezing my ass off for the first time too.
NATO sources told TIME that France is not alone in withholding information about nuclear-armed submarines — the Brits and Americans keep the locations of their strategic deterrents secret too.
Meanwhile, they advise people to hold moderated expectations about the weekend break, and to avoid making a too tight of a plan for how to spend their time.
Many individuals are gun shy about using technology out of fear that they’ll remain too much in touch — that their time will be consumed by intrusive e-mails and cell phone calls. Fair enough.
We spend far too much time and energy worrying about the supposed global divide between north and south, rich country and poor country.
There are way too many people out there (co-workers and annoying acquaintances) who waste too much of our time talking about things we don't want to hear about.
There are way too many people out there (co-workers and annoying acquaintances) who waste too much of our time talking about things we don’t want to hear about.
Over time, however, Mexico has learnt that speaking too openly about its aspirations and concerns can stir up the hornets next door.
Faced with difficulties, I do not have too much time to think about the solutions. My life should be long and complex, but it is destined to be extraordinary!
And so, every time I eat spicy food I think for a second about what other perceptions I’m taking too literally.
Time is the greatest healer, so don't look too far ahead into the future and worry about what it holds.
In the cold war Western strategists probably spent too much time worrying about the Soviet Union's military clout, and not enough analysing its commercial frailties.
Take a bit of time and think about what you are currently learning. Then decide if you've been stuck in the theoretical learning camp for a bit too long.
He starts worrying about getting to school on time and realizes he will probably have to help get his younger sister ready too.
You feel upset about your results and don't know why you did not run the time you wanted. Maybe you had a great race but, with the excitement, you came back too soon.
It is also about knowing when estimates are way too low and that something will not be finished in the ridiculously short time your project has scheduled.
Doctors and researchers are starting to warn viewers about the potential dangers of spending too much time in front of a 3d boob tube.
He spends too much time quoting obscure reviewers and reciting minor academic quarrels, and says too little about Trevor-Roper’s place in the great tradition of British historians.
Then I spent some time with my wife, after work, and let me just say that’s about as good as it gets too.
Norm Now I'm gonna say a few words about Norm, and I don't want to spend too much of his time talking myself.
By the time she was 16, Alice had suffered some bullying at school -nothing too specific just typical teenage teasing - and was worried about gaining weight due to a thyroid condition.
It is tiring, though, and he will want to have time to recover too, be with his family, and he can't think too much about football.
Solutions that take too long will never get done, so Squirrel suggested thinking about what you can do in a week or even in a hour, and building up the solution the next time a problem happens.
Maybe these films' directors recognised that a movie with narrower parameters would have been a better one—and it's about time Hollywood's studios recognised it, too.
There are too many positives out there and too much to learn from interesting people to waste your time talking about the misfortune of others.
There are too many positives out there and too much to learn from interesting people to waste your time talking about the misfortune of others.