And more generally, how much is driving a part of your juggle and how do you feel about it?
Teacher skills and attitudes: What can you do on a computer and how do you feel about using computers in the classroom?
How much free stuff do you have sitting around unused, and how do you feel about that compared to stuff you've purchased that you haven't used?
You suffered a concussion during pre-season, which meant you missed the start of this campaign; how did you get the knock and how do you feel now?
They were asked 20 questions, such as "How often do you feel lonely?" and "How often do you get together with your friends?"
That means to tell the other person how you're feeling, why you feel that way, and what he or she can please do to make it better.
When you do something on your own time you feel how much energy, patience and effort each task takes.
See how liking yourself is making room for more stuff into your life? See how your entire personality is uncovered (like by like) and gives you the freedom to do whatever you feel like?
Now if you were on that same date and felt confident, believed in yourself, and were having fun. How do you think your date would feel about you?
Oprah: You know, I actually started to feel it when I…when I had the option, you know, well, the question was do I leave in two thousand and…you know how I like numbers.
To the business executives and sponsors who complain that a PMO represents an extravagance or unnecessary overhead, we should ask, "How lucky do you feel today?"
AM: How do you think your father would feel about all these scholars and students, all these people sitting around in a dark room all day discussing and debating his philosophies?
Do you sometimes feel as if you don't know how to interest and amuse people and have conversations with them?
Q: do you feel like an outsider, and how do you cope?
No matter how you may feel today, believe this: Don't give up on you because you do have value and you are already loved.
It's simple, your brain is at the center of everything you do, all you feel and think, and every nuance of how you relate to people.
Not only do you need to track the food you eat, but you should also be aware of how you feel before and after eating.
At the meeting explain very calmly and rationally that you do not feel the relationship is working well and that you would like to explore why and how to improve it.
It is involved in absolutely everything you do. Your brain determines how you think, how you feel, how you act, and how well you get along with other people.
Slim, I'm 83 years old now and I'm just full of aches and pains. I know you're about my age. How do you feel?
Rumei: How do you guys feel about taking a break and getting a cup of tea?
Some of you may feel that you've read through this entire article and it didn't tell you how to do anything.
Student: I kind of, I feel like it also plays in a different way. And because of, you do talk about how you're systematically mislabeled by the fables that present love as magic.
I asked the question "How do you feel about the power and influence you have with the people in your life?"
” — an important mental health indicator — and “How pressurized do you feel your time is?”
Eyes are the Windows of your heart how do feel if I talk with you and with my back in front of your face?
How do you feel about where Merb will be at 1.0 and how you envisioned 1.0 back when it was started?
But you can see how much customization you can do to the look and feel with this framework, thanks to the Eclipse plug-in architecture.
A good tip for men: pluck up some courage and, whatever your quarry is discussing, simply ask her, "How do you feel about that?"
A good tip for men: pluck up some courage and, whatever your quarry is discussing, simply ask her, "How do you feel about that?"